2011年8月6日 星期六

Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut

Nuts are some of the most nutritious snacks available and are readily eatable. No peeling, cooking, or preparing ~ just pop a handful of wonderful nutrition into your mouth and enjoy!

Here is a few delicious nuts, their facts

Almonds - these are great for the heart. They have been shown to lower both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol. They are also good brain food. Almonds help regulate blood pressure, reduce weight and boost energy. 1 raw almond = 7 calories

Peanuts - are a legume that contains the same healthy oil that almonds have, so they work on reducing heart disease. 1 oz raw peanuts = 161 calories

Walnuts - one of the best nuts on the earth! Walnuts have shown to increase brain, cognitive, & mental function, they provide cardiovascular protection, anti-inflammatory benefits in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory diseases like eczema and psoriasis. They are pack full of an antioxidant known as ellgic acid, which has shown to contain 16 disease fighting polyphenols. A polyphenol is a chemical that may protect against some common health problems and possible certain effects of aging. Walnuts are also a great source of omega 3. English walnuts 1 oz=183 calories

Brazil Nuts - Also high in heart-healthy nutrients and minerals like copper, niacin, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and selenium, studies on Brazil nuts show that this protein-packed snack may aid in the prevention of breast cancer. 1 oz = 186 calories

Pecans - these are another nut that is known to lower cholesterol. Pecans also are a great source of twenty essential vitamins and minerals. 1 oz (20 halves raw pecans)=196 calories

Cedar Nuts (pine nuts) - Siberian Cedar nuts, originally from Russia have 70% of the essential amino acids that the body needs. They also contain high amounts of Vitamin A, B, D, and E. This nut also contains a special form of vitamin P, a vital fatty acid similar to fish oil, which is known to reduce LDL and helps keep the arteries free of inflammation and plaque. 1 oz (10 raw cedar nuts) = 11 calories

Raw nuts make a healthy snack that is low in calories and are a great addition to your health. Being a little nutty is good for you!

My name is Susan and I'm a Life/Health coach. You can get my free newsletter at http://www.maximizeyourlifecoach.com

Nutrition From Nuts and Seeds

Some nuts and seeds have high amounts of nutrients that are needed by your body and can help ward off certain diseases. They are concentrated nutrition that should be part of your regular diet.

Calcium and magnesium, which are needed to prevent osteoporosis and maintain structure of bones, can be found in almonds, pistachios, hazel nuts and pumpkin seeds. Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds both have zinc that the prostate gland uses to produce fertile sperm.

If your doctor has indicated you need more iron try sunflower seeds and pistachios. They both have high amounts of it. Potassium is a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and can be found in chestnuts and sunflower seeds.

Pregnant women who need folic acid can try pistachios which have a high concentration of this. Menopausal women should know that almonds, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts are high in vitamin E which can help ease their symptoms. Brazil nuts also have selenium which is an antioxidant that protects against heart disease.

Some studies have shown that certain nuts and seeds can help prevent disease. Walnuts, which have ellagic acid, and almonds, which have oleic acid, are said to have anti-cancer properties. Flax seeds are another food that may have many benefits. They are supposed to have anti-tumor properties linked to lower incident of breast and colon cancer. Flax seeds also contain phytoestrogans which are known to help balance hormone levels.

Check with your doctor and add appropriate amounts of nuts and seeds to your diet. They are not only a great, delicious snack food, they can be added to many recipes for a unique taste.

Ann is a home based business entrepreneur who researches and reviews many products and writes about her personal interests. Visit her newest site Grind and Brew Coffee Makers for great information on Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffee makers.

2011年8月5日 星期五

Go (Brazil) Nuts For Selenium

New research from New Zealand finds that eating two Brazil nuts a day can raise your body's stores of selenium by about 65 per cent. The research found that eating these tasty treats was more beneficial than taking selenomethionine, the most common chemical form of this antioxidant element you can find in supplements and fortified foods.

Why should you care whether you're getting your selenium? As a key component of the human body's antioxidant mechanisms, it plays a role in prevention and supporting recovery from allergies, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, cervical dysplasia, epilepsy, glaucoma, heavy metal toxicity, HIV, hypothyroidism, degenerative diseases of the liver, chronic pain, pancreatic cancer, and prostate diseases. This trace mineral is not a cure for any of these conditions, but it helps the body work better through all of them.

Selenium is found in seeds, and the most commonly eaten "seed" in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand is wheat. Soils in North America are particularly rich in the element, so the wheat grown in North America is rich in it, too (although not as rich as in the nut). When the UK banned imports of wheat from the US a few years ago, selenium intake in the British diet began to drop, from an average of 60 micrograms a day to an average of 34 micrograms a day.

Two Brazil nuts only provide (on average) 53 micrograms of selenium. The 53 micrograms in them, however, is more completely absorbed than 100 micrograms supplement. Over the twelve weeks of the study, the New Zealand scientists found that the all-important antioxidant glutathione had become 8.4 per cent more abundant in the bloodstreams of test participants eating the nuts, 3.4 per cent more abundant in those taking a supplement, and declined slightly in participants taking a placebo.

So, if you're not allergic, turn to Brazil nuts for your selenium. It's even better than nutritional supplementation.

Click here for an in-depth review article (no product links in the article) on how selenium supports health. Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health and the writer for Savvy Natural Healer, a daily news blog on new healing methods and new healing tools.

2011年8月4日 星期四

Foods High in Cholesterol - Nuts - Good Or Bad For Your Cholesterol Levels?

Foods High in Cholesterol - Nuts and seeds like Almonds and Pistachios are now proven to help reduce the bad or LDL cholesterol levels in our blood. High cholesterol levels are a factor in the onset of strokes and heart attacks. New studies show that high levels of selenium in the blood bring on an increase in cholesterol levels. One of the best sources of selenium in our diet is brazil nuts.

These nuts have traditionally been recommended as a great way to build up your immune system and have even been suggested as a way of protecting the body from the onset of some cancers. Selenium is also found in fish, meat and some types of grains. Prostate cancer is said to be one of the cancers that selenium can protect you against and some research has added corectal, lung, breast and colon cancers to this list. It is also found to protect your skin from ageing due to exposure to the sun's rays.

Studies at Warwick University in the United Kingdom have shown that eating large quantities of Brazil nuts and selenium-rich foods are linked to a 10 per cent rise in cholesterol. They found that those people with blood selenium concentrations higher than 1.20micromoles per litre had their levels of total cholesterol raised by an average of 8 per cent. More alarmingly, levels of the 'bad' LDL type of cholesterol that is linked to circulation problems and heart disease were increased by 10 per cent. So although brazil nuts are not one of the foods high in cholesterol, they raise cholesterol levels by their selenium content.

Brazil nuts are high in monosaturated fats and exceptionally rich in selenium and although average intake of brazil nuts is probably only around half the current recommended level there is a widespread use of selenium supplements. These supplements can substantially increase your blood levels to way above the accepted limits. Weight for weight, brazils contain as much protein as eggs, making them ideal for vegetarians and vegans. They contain all the B vitamins except B12, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and contain an essential fatty acid called linoleic acid that has been shown to help balance hormone levels and protect your skin from damage.

Researches say that it is a little previous to suggest that taking selenium supplements is harmful for heart health but they say to avoid the Foods High in Cholesterol.

For more information on the Cholesterol in food and how they affect your Heart and Blood Circulation - go to Foods High In Cholesterol and Diets For High Cholesterol - Get Your FREE Tips on Keeping Your Heart Healthy!

You Might Be a Car Nut if

If you met me on the street you would think I'm a pretty normal guy, and in most aspects that would be true. However, I am a sick person; I suffer from an incurable disease: I am a car nut.

There are a number of ways to determine if you are afflicted by this disease. Below I have listed some ways to tell if you are a car nut. I have highlighted the ones I am guilty of.

You might be a car nut if:

1. You have owned more cars than years you have been driving. Example: I have been driving for 9 years and have owned 15 cars.

2. You own 3-4 cars at a time, and 2 of them don't run.

3. You attend car events of all kinds: car shows, races, truck shows, etc. You even attend events for cars you don't even like, just because it is related to cars.

4. You own the most extensive collection of toy cars anyone has ever seen. I'm talking matchbox cars, model cars, die cast cars, etc.

5. You spend more quality time with your car than your girlfriend/wife.

6. You get into a fight with your girlfriend/wife and instead of making you sleep on the couch she takes away your detailing supplies.

7. When you buy a new house, you are only concerned with the size of the garage.

8. You attend auto shows even when you're not looking to buy a car.

9. You know the 0-60 times of all of your cars and their closest 5 competitors.

10. The engine compartment of your car is clean enough to eat off.

11. You have trained your girlfriend/wife on spotting different models of cars and what modifications they have on them.

12. On road trips, you always challenge yourself to get their faster than the last time.

13. Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms.

14. You have enough spare parts to build another car.

15. You have car parts in your cubicle at work.

16. You ask your future wife if you can register at AutoZone, Napa and Advance Auto.

17. The reading material in your bathroom is all car magazines, car and racing catalogs and a few books written by famous drivers.

18. Your family brings a couch into the garage so they can spend some time with you.

19. You can't stand anyone telling you how to drive, you are the best!

20. You always want to change something on your car to make it handle better.

21. You spend more time polishing your car then you do bathing.

22. You spend more on insurance premiums than food.

23. You know the 0-60 and ¼ mile times of your lawn mower and want to improve them.

24. After you tell your girlfriend/wife where you want to go on vacation, she asks "Why is there a car show or race there?"

25. You have auto parts store on your speed dial.

26. When someone asks where you went to school you reply "Skip Barber."

27. Your email or screen name refers to your car and not you.

28. You sit in your car in a dark garage and make car noises and shift and practice your heel toe shifting.

29. You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.

30. You have a separate drawer for garage clothes.

This is just a small list of ways to determine if you are an addict. I have grown up a car nut, being raised by one, my father. It is like a bug and once you are bitten there is no remedy to get rid of it. You can try to pick other hobbies and jobs, but in the end it will always come down to cars. So the best thing to do is just give in, admit you have a problem, then say the hell with it and go enjoy that car!

Jason Helferich is the President/CEO of Street Style Customs in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company specializes in aftermarket performance parts for many cars and trucks.


2011年8月3日 星期三

Semi Truck Accessories Are Your Best Advertisement

The best way to add value to your semi-trailer truck is to accessorize it. While these words may seem like a sales pitch by an accessory dealer, the fact is that often the first thing noticed by a potential customer for a trucker's services is his equipment. If the truck, or the whole fleet for that matter, looks well kept and attractive, the impression of that business is positive. This is true for a tow operator, fruit and produce distributor, over-the-road hauler, even sanitation pick-up and septic tank services.

Pride in a job well done and concern for customer service is reflected in the way a big rig is maintained. This can accomplished with a simple but well thought out paint job, and can go to the extreme with elaborate lighting and chrome accessories. For example, semi truck wheels can be simply painted and decorated with lug nut covers, or they can be covered with a variety of wheel accessories like axle covers or complete stainless simulators. A more expensive choice would be aluminum wheels with stainless axle covers and lug nut covers.

Increase Safety and Looks with LED Lights

Lighting is another method of displaying pride in your ride. Besides adding to the safety factor, today's LED lights use a minimum of amperage and deliver a big wallop. A trucker can use ten times the number of lights than in past years, and yet not draw any more power from the battery. LED lights are available in a large variety of styles and colors, and can be installed in unusual places on the vehicle - in wheel wells, in the grille, on a visor and in air breathers.

Big Rig Accessories Make Long Hours Behind the Wheel Enjoyable

Other standard equipment - fenders, bumpers, tool boxes, exhaust pipes, mud flaps - can be left in stock condition, but are often seen in chrome and stainless. These all contribute to a fine public image of your truck. Interior accessories, while not necessarily visible to the public, also give a sense of pride of ownership and make the long hours spent in the cab more pleasant. For example, there are dashboard accessories, designer steering wheels and gear shift knobs. Chrome and stainless accessories are available for most semi truck models, and custom items can often be fabricated. In all, these items add a touch of class to any big rig!

Michael Chase is a freelance writer for VirgoFleet.com. Virgo Fleet specializes in semi truck accessories including the widest assortment of big rig accessories on the Internet. Virgo Fleet is the top retailer for custom chrome bumpers, cb radios, air horns and many other quality truck parts.

Choosing the Best Nerf Bars For Your Truck

Whether you own a Ford, Dodge, Chevy or GMC truck, choosing the right accessories is essential. While custom grilles, running boards, tube steps and other accessories are more than popular, nerf bars remain one of the best ways to set off your truck with rugged good looks, yet ensure that you're installing something that will actually give you some use.

What should you look for in nerf bars? What elements will tell you if you're making a purchase that will stand the test of time? As you might imagine, it is essential that you choose high quality accessories; below, you will find just a few of the areas to consider.

Weight Limit

How much weight can your nerf bars bear? Is the weight limit sufficient to make these accessories a viable option? Remember, you will be using the bars as a step into the truck, as well as to help protect the vulnerable sides of the truck from debris and obstacles. Therefore, you should ensure that the bars are capable of supporting your weight.

Bar Construction

What materials make up the actual nerf bars? Does the manufacturer use high carbon steel? Do they use aluminum? Are the bars manufactured of steel overlaid with a layer of chrome? While each of these materials is certainly an option on the market, you should consider stainless steel as the most durable choice out there.

Aluminum can be a great choice, though these are very expensive. Carbon steel can be durable, but rust can dramatically reduce the lifespan of your bars. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is both economical and durable, capable of withstanding years of use and abuse outdoors.

Mounting Hardware Considerations

While the construction material of the nerf bars themselves is very important, the material used to fabricate the mounting brackets, nuts, bolts and washers is also of high importance. Many manufacturers utilize high carbon steel, with a coating of black paint over the top. This looks great and helps to hide the mounting hardware from sight. However, it might not be the best choice for durability.

A better option is to choose nerf bars that use stainless steel mounting hardware. Why is this? Consider the fact that your hardware will be exposed to just as much punishment from the elements as your nerf bars, perhaps more. Since they will be under the truck, they will be in almost direct contact with rainwater from the road, salt, rocks and other things that cause corrosion and wear.

If you opt for a set of bars that comes with basic carbon steel mounting hardware, you can find that your brackets, nuts, bolts and washers are incredibly corroded after just two years of use. Over time (a very short time, at that), this corrosion will eat through the metal, weakening the mounting hardware and causing massive potential problems.

Stainless steel mounting hardware is not subject to these problems. In fact, after two years installed on a truck, you will find almost no corrosion or wear. This ensures that you are able to get the most out of your investment. No one wants to throw money down the drain, but buying nerf bars with inferior mounting hardware is essentially doing just that.

Ease of Installation

The installation process for your nerf bars should also be a significant consideration. Will you need help to install them? Will you need to take your truck to a mechanic's shop? Check the manufacturer specifications to find out the mounting bracket locations, tools required and more. You'll also need to consider your truck - can you get underneath it easily? Can you do the job alone, or with a friend? These are vital considerations.

G. Evans represents ChromePickup.com, a 20 year retailer of truck accessories. To learn more about nerf bars for pickups products visit their website ChromePickup.com.

2011年8月2日 星期二

Daily Forklift Truck Maintenance

Many businesses require a forklift truck for their day to day operation. A forklift truck can be a valuable piece of machinery for any business involved in, or planning to be involved in, the movement of heavy goods and materials. Forklifts are used extensively, and there are many different types of machine, each more suited to a specific job that the next. Fuel type is one such consideration in the process of selecting the correct machine for the application. Forklifts are available as diesel, gas or electric, regardless of fuel type all require daily maintenance checks to ensure the safety and smooth running of the vehicle on a day to day basis. The following article provides an overview of what these checks should include for each fuel type, and who should carry them out.

Anyone involved in the operation of a forklift truck should be qualified to do so. This is a legal requirement much like obtaining a driving licence. Furthermore qualifying to operate one type of truck, does not cover the same operator to drive another. For example a licence for a telescopic handler would not cover the same operator to drive a rough terrain forklift truck. This is important to take note of, if your business requires the use of a number of different types of machine. Ensure that any operators have taken a conversion course to cover any additional truck types they are required to drive (see earlier article for more details on forklift truck driver training). A key component of any forklift truck training course, and one of the first elements to be taught is the routine daily checks, which must be performed on the machine prior to use. This is the case for diesel, gas or electric trucks, for which the following checks should be performed:


Check battery electrolyte levels after charging battery
Check hydraulic oil level
Check all wheel nuts for tightness
Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
Visually inspect tyres for damage and inflation pressure
Top up batteries with distilled water/di-ionised

Additionally ensure that batteries are recharged after each shift, and avoid engaging in random charging.

Diesel / Gas

Check radiator water level
Check engine oil level
Check all wheel nuts for tightness
Check fuel level
Visually check water trap
Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
Examine tyres visually for damage and inflation pressure

Ensuring that the above checks are carried out not only prolong the life and ensure the safety of your forklift truck, they also reduce any costs incurred. Any neglect or misuse of a forklift will result in damage and hence unnecessary costs, therefore it is wise to make sure operators sign off on such duties on a daily basis.

In summary making certain that your machine is well maintained, and daily checks carried out, can not only prolong the life of any machine the business owns and ensure safety is preserved, but also make sure that additional costs are not incurred and the smooth running of your business is ensured.

Charlotte Mclean works for an established forklift truck hire business run by her family for many years. Follow the links to browse our selection of new and used forklifts for sale or for more information on forklift servicing

5 Must-Have Truck Parts and Modifications

Tonneau Covers

Adding a tonneau cover is a great way to personalize your truck. Not only does a tonneau cover give your truck a sleek, aerodynamic look, but it can also help improve gas mileage. Over time, this money savings can pay for the tonneau cover itself. Whether you choose a tonneau cover that is soft, hard, roll-up, tilting, or folding, you will also benefit from the added security of potential thieves not seeing personal items in the truck's bed because it's covered. Buy a tonneau cover today and git er covered!


Does your truck have some skinny, all season radials that look like they came off a station wagon? It's time to get some serious truck tires for enjoying off road trail time. Upgrading tires can significantly improve your truck's off-road capabilities. Choose the right tire for your conditions, whether it's all terrain, mud terrain, rock crawling, or Baja racing. When you go with bigger tires, make sure you don't go too big for your existing setup. Tires that are too wide will rub on truck parts such as fender walls and suspension parts, and may not allow for proper steering of your truck.


When those stock wheels that everyone else has just won't do, get a set that makes your truck stand out. You may want to buy larger wheels or wider wheels depending on the size of your desired tires. Some of the hottest wheels on the market now come in high gloss black, flat black, black and chrome, or in just pure chrome *bling*. Besides wheel diameter and width, you will need to know the number of lug nuts and lug nut spacing to ensure proper fit. Also, you may want to choose a wheel offset that is the same or similar to your stock wheel's offset. A wheel's offset is the distance between the centerline and the plane of the hub-mounting surface of the wheel. Wheels are often stamped with the offset using the Germen prefix "ET," which stands for "Einpresstiefe" or "insertion depth." An example would be "ET38" for a 38mm offset.

Lift Kit Suspensions

It's time to raise it up. Increasing ground clearance means you can get over obstacles that would have caused damage at stock height, or you'd get stuck. A 2" lift is great for accommodating larger tires, but you can go higher. How about an 8" lift kit for some serious rock crawling?


Adding an exhaust system is another great way to personalize your truck with an authoritative sound, great looks, and improved horsepower, torque, and MPGs. Look for an exhaust system built with stainless steel and minimal bends to improve airflow. The smoother your exhaust flows, the easier your truck breathes. This would be a great time to add an intake or drop-in air filter to further increase the engine's intake/exhaust flow.

By making these 5 modifications to your truck, you will transform a stock, off-the-showroom-floor truck into your unique and personalized transporter with improved off road capabilities and performance. Now, take an Internet break and go get your truck dirty!

Barth Mauler is an off-road enthusiast and part-time writer. He is an expert on performance truck parts and accessories. Barth is experienced with lift kits, wheels, tires, tonneau covers, exhausts, and other truck parts.

2011年8月1日 星期一

Truck Suspension - What You Need to Know About Custom U-Bolts

Truck suspension parts are integrations of rubber springs, shock absorbers, custom u-bolts, spring pins, spring bushing, shackles, hangers, leaf and coil springs, and more.

U-Bolts are designed for an extensive range of products inclusive of domestic, commercial buildings, industrial building applications, automobile industries, marine and fishing, and off-shore and coastal operations. Custom U-bolts that are available in the market vary in their characteristics such as shapes, sizes, materials and grades depending on its utility.

In automobiles, custom U-Bolts have many functions, they are used to hold springs to the front and rear axles of cars, heavy trucks, off-road trucks, etc. Generally speaking, U-bolts hold truck bodies to frames, rigging applications, and anything that may need clamping force between two or more pieces of material.

The U-shape helps keep the bolt firmly in place so that it will not pull away from its fittings easily, adding uncompromising security and stability. The strongest known metal - steel - is used commonly in manufacturing the U-bolts which keeps the fastening resistant toward any kind of corrosion and is also a rust-proof material. Custom U-bolts are also available in other materials like low carbon steel, plain finish, hot dipped galvanized, zinc plated, Teflon coated, hot dipped galvanized poly-coated.

What are the elements that will help you in differentiating one U-bolt from the other?

When you are looking for a custom U-bolt, all you will have to consider is the size and shape:

o Size: The thread size of your U-bolt, rod sizes, inside width of your U-bolt, inside length of your U-bolt.

o Shape: The shape of bending in the U-bolt also helps in identifying the difference; the top may be round, square, or semi-round.

Problems with the U-bolt could result in loss of control at its worst maximum, broken springs at the least and the exerted pressure having a direct impact on the tire.

The added advantage of the U-bolt is that it can be re-tightened according to its usage and load conditions based on its specification.

Never take your chances, always refer to the manual or go by the judgement of an expert so as to save your truck from over-tightening; over-tightening of U-bolt is equally harmful. Never use old U-bolts, when you are re-tightening old nuts, the nuts tends to grab the old worn out threads directly affecting the socket to rod position.

When you subject your vehicle to frequent bad roads and overloading, the U-bolt tends to get stretched from its original position separating it from the spring and its axle will yield to the pressure thus taking a toll on the suspension compressing it beyond its limit and affecting the traction position. The wear and tear stretches the legs of the U-bolts from its original position, although it is made of the most foolproof metal and mechanism. It is advisable to go in for U-bolts with torque value, in which case the U-bolt will stretch within its elastic limits and rebound to its initial point without any damage. Therefore, even if the axle twists from the leaf spring of the suspension, the elasticity will bounce back protecting it from any mishap.

To conclude, here are a few tips on U-bolt.

o Never ever flip a U-bolt without crossover steering or interference problems.

o Re-tighten as per the spec after a few hundred miles.

o Always check them before venturing out on a trail trip.

Gary Allen is the co-founder of All Cape Spring Co. He specializes in truck suspension and Custom U-Bolts and has an experience of over a decade. All Cape Spring Co. serves Cape Cod, Sagamore Beach and Massachusetts. For more information, visit www.allcapespringco.net

2011年7月31日 星期日

Truck Wheels and Jeep Wheels - Which Ones are Right for You?

Contrary to what you might believe, while they may be the most stylized of all truck and Jeep parts, wheels aren't all about adding glitz and shine. In fact, choosing wheels deserves lengthy consideration, as the right set of wheels can provide additional performance benefits that make buying them not just a stylistic decision, but a smart one as well. Particularly with regard to off-road oriented Jeeps, choosing the optimum set of Jeep wheels can be as important an item to consider as many other Jeep parts.

Factors to be Wary of When Choosing Truck Wheels and Jeep Wheels:

When choosing a set of truck or Jeep wheels, the first recognition that one needs to make is just how vital they are to a vehicle. The type of wheels chosen can have a direct, significant impact upon ride quality, handling, and safety, and oftentimes prove to be just as crucial as many other essential truck and Jeep parts. Moreover, picking the right wheels and taking proper care of them are crucial factors in maintaining optimum performance, and of course, keeping up that slick look. It is important to remember that wheels are providing stability for an entire vehicle. They are directly connected to the axle, brakes, and suspension system. Should a single wheel falter, this could be disastrous for other components in your vehicle.


Ideally, when it comes to having polished, shiny Jeep and truck wheels, it is very important to keep them that way as much as possible. Wheel corrosion should be taken seriously, not only because of the effects on appearance, but for harmful and potentially unsafe consequences as well.

There are numerous types of corrosion that can damage or otherwise deteriorate Jeep and truck wheels. Rust can eat away at some wheel metals, causing disfiguration and stability breakage. Corroding brakes can also leak onto the wheel itself, leading to further corrosion. Additionally, brake dust that accumulates on wheels can permanently stain or tarnish certain wheel metals when combined with heat buildup during everyday driving. Finally, for the off-road enthusiasts, rocks, dirt, and sand can scratch sparkling chromes, and sometimes even become entrenched in wheels made of more porous metals, leading to further corrosion.

Granted, significant corrosion that results in considerable wheel damage is a rarity; however, this is not to suggest that regular upkeep and cleaning of your wheels can be outright neglected.


Bending and breakage are irregular occurrences provided that you exercise caution when driving, but this is not to suggest that they are factors to be taken lightly. Especially for off-road enthusiasts who tackle some of the toughest terrains using low air pressure crawling, wheel bending or breakage can ruin any off-road outing, as driving on one frayed truck wheel or dented Jeep wheel can damage an entire suspension system. Rough driving on bumpy roads or extended driving over potholes or speed bumps can also lead to wheel damage, particularly if air pressure is low, or if the suspension system is not sufficient.


Essentially, the job of the wheels on your vehicle are to work with the suspension system to keep as much of the tires in contact with the road, particularly during turns and braking. A set of quality truck wheels can mean the difference between a tire catching the road on a rainy day, or spinning out of control on a patch of pebbles on the highway. In order to ensure optimum tire contact, it is important to take truck wheel sizing into major consideration.

There are three aspects to wheel sizing that work together with the suspension design: wheel offset, aspect ratio, and tire width. Offset refers to the distance from the very center of the wheel to the mounting surface of the wheel disc at the hub. Wheel offset can be positive, negative or zero. A "0" offset means that the mounting surface of the wheel is in the center of the wheel. This measurement is very important in positioning the tire. This also allows for adequate dual spacing.

Aspect ratio is the ratio between the width of the tire and the height of its side wall. A tire specified as "205/60/15," for example, has a width of 205mm and 60% aspect ratio. The "15" refers to the size of the tire to which the wheel is fitted. Typically, tires with lower aspect ratio than what is required will wear them out easily, and ride quality will deteriorate; although, this could also result to more precision in turning. Some people consider using wider wheels to give a vehicle a racer look, but while is it true that wider wheels and tires can give a vehicle a sportier appearance, they can also ruin your driving satisfaction. This is because the weight of the vehicle would not be evenly spread over the wheel and tire width. Resistance is also increased, thus you wheels and tires could wear out fast, and gas mileage could be significantly reduced.

Wider wheels are sometimes required to adequately support larger and wider tires. This provides increased traction in a variety of different terrains such as sand and mud. Vehicles with larger wheels and tires also make less of an impact in the terrain opposed to a vehicle with narrow wheels that cuts into the terrain creating ruts and erosion.Types of Custom Truck Wheels and Jeep Wheels:

Custom truck wheels are available in three compositions and a seemingly endless number of styles. Each composition has its advantages and disadvantages, and it's a good idea to take each into consideration to help determine which type of wheel is right for you.

Steel Truck Wheels and Jeep Wheels:

Steel wheels employ solid construction and heavy-duty materials to reap certain benefits. The stamped construction of steel truck wheels provides a more consistent composition that you can't get out of cast and machined alloys. The end result is that steel wheels are typically more uniform, and therefore, less prone to warping or wobbling. There are not as many styles of steel wheels to choose from, but they are typically less expensive in comparison to cast wheels. This makes steel wheels an excellent option for off-road enthusiasts who are looking for a set of truck or Jeep wheels that are durable enough to handle off-road terrain, yet inexpensive enough to easily replace in the event of wheel damage. On the downside, steel wheels are heavier than alloys, which may slightly reduce performance and decrease gas mileage.

In Brief - Advantages of Steel Wheels:

Heavy Duty Durability
While slightly heavier than alloy wheels, steel wheels are also more durable. Additionally, steel is more malleable than aluminum, preventing chipping or breakage due to impact.
Consistent Composition

The stamped construction of steel wheels helps them to be more uniform and symmetrical, increasing structural integrity and reducing the likelihood of wobbling.


Steel wheels are less porous than aluminum wheels, allowing better resistance against dirt, sand, and brake depletion.


Steel wheels are a great, inexpensive option that can take a beating when going off-road.

Forged Alloy Truck Wheels and Jeep Wheels:

Aluminum forging utilizes heat and extreme pressure to create dense and strong wheels that are durable, yet still remain lightweight. Although forged aluminum wheels are slightly more expensive than other wheels, this is because no expense is spared with regard to tooling, development, equipment, and manufacturing, and the results show in the quality of these truck wheels. Aluminum alloys make the perfect culmination of lightweight composition, creative spoke design, and protection against the elements for a lasting shine. For maximum durability and reliability in an alloy wheel, forged aluminum wheels have no equal.

In Brief - Advantages of Forged Alloy Wheels:

Extreme Heat Forgery
Forged alloy wheels are subjected to extreme heat during the construction process, allowing the aluminum compounds to meld, creating dense and durable wheels.

Advanced aluminum alloy compounds are lighter than steel wheels.

Excellent Value

In general, forged alloy wheels tend to be slightly more expensive than their cast aluminum counterparts; however, in terms of durability, weight, performance, design, and overall quality, forged alloy wheels are the best overall value, giving you the most bang for your buck.

Cast Alloy Wheels:

Cast-molded alloy wheels are a reliable option that provides many performance benefits for on and off road drivers. Using aluminum compounds combined with low-pressure casting, the end result is Jeep wheels and truck wheels that are lightweight and durable. The porous metal compound of cast alloy wheels helps to dissipate heat during excessive brake application, and also provides a rust-resistant, easy-to-clean shine. The malleable nature of cast alloy Jeep and truck wheels also allows more creative freedom to craft some of the most vicious designs available. On the downside, cast alloy aluminum tends to be more porous, which may lead to various forms of corrosion, but this can typically be avoided with regular cleaning and care.

In Brief - Advantages of Cast Alloy Wheels:

Low-Pressure Casting
Cast alloy wheels employ low-pressure casting techniques for increased malleability. This allows alloys to be more flexible, therefore granting manufacturers a certain level of metallurgic creativity.
Porous Metal Compound

The aluminum alloy of cast wheels is more porous, which allows better airflow through the wheels to help cool down heated brakes.

Rust-Resistant Shine

Cast aluminum alloy wheels are rust-resistant, easy to clean, and produce a consistent, long-lasting shine.

Don't Forget the Lug Nuts:

They may be small, but lug nuts are crucial truck and Jeep parts that many people overlook when upgrading to custom wheels. The impact of lug nuts on wheel safety, security and durability just may surprise you. Here are some reasons why when upgrading to custom wheels, new lug nuts are near-essential truck and Jeep parts that ensure the utmost performance:


Lug nuts are the essential cherry-on-top that style enthusiasts are quick to overlook. Attention to detail is important when it comes to the appearance of your vehicle, and nothing complements a new set of wheels and tires like custom lug nuts. OEM lug nuts are bland, and can appear glaringly dull in contrast to the polished shine of new wheels. Particularly on aging stock wheels, the lug nuts may be significantly worn or warped, or the grooves may be stripped. Chrome and alloy lug nuts are quite commonplace and many styles are available to go with any wheels and tires.

General Maintenance:

Whether you're the weekend off-road enthusiast who alternates tires frequently, or even the everyday driver who's prompt with tire rotations, lug nuts can corrode and wear out over time. Loose, frayed lugs can result in instability, or rusted lugs might be irremovable in case of a flat. Lug nuts are in close association with the brakes and wheels, and corroding lug nuts may aversely affect your brake system, or damage chrome wheels.


Unfortunately, theft of your wheels and tires is as easy for thieves as changing a few spares. For this reason, lockable lug nuts can provide just enough added security to prevent you from becoming a victim. Heavy duty locking mechanisms make lug nuts difficult to remove, which can be the difference between a thief disregarding your vehicle and instead going after a far less painstaking vehicle without wheel locks. Spline drive lug nuts are also beneficial for added security, as they require a special tool to remove them (typically included in a set of spline drive lug nuts).

Lughole Sizing:

Lughole sizing can be a tricky endeavor if you're not sure how to do it properly. All tire and wheel shops have a special tool that they can place over the rim holes that tell them the pattern. Since this tool costs over $20 and you won't use it very often, you can check you own hole pattern if you have a simple tape measure.

Most lug holes are 1/2", 9/16" or 5/8". Most trucks and SUVs of 1/2 ton size or less will come with the half-inch size. If you're upgrading to a slightly larger tire size, chances are that the stock lug studs will handle the job nicely. However, if you're going to some really big tires, you might have to upgrade the stud size to handle the increased loads. Check with the after market wheel and tire manufacturer for their recommendations.

When measuring, be sure that your tape is located dead center on the hole (or on one edge with the five-hole pattern) for accuracy. It's very hard to tell small differences, but 1/4 inch can make a big difference. For example, the largest rim size you can get with a 5-on-4 and 1/4" wheel pattern is a 14 inch rim. But there are numerous 15 inch rims available in 5-on-4 and 1/2" patterns, so you can see how critical an accurate measurement is.

If the rim is still on the vehicle, it's often hard to get that accurate measurement. One simple trick is to take a sheet of paper and press it down firmly on the studs you need to measure then measure the marks on the paper.

Another trick is to take some stiff wire - a coat hanger will do fine - and bend the wire into a wide "U" shape, using the ends of them to act like calipers.

The very best method is to actually take the wheels off the vehicle, lay them flat on the ground, and measure the holes carefully, while looking straight down.

In Summation:

While the stylistic aspect of purchasing new Jeep or truck wheels is often the primary consideration, it's important to not overlook factors pertaining to performance. One should be wary of paying proper attention to upkeep and selection before choosing a set of wheels, as the wrong decision can significantly affect your vehicle as well as your safety. Knowing the differences between steel, forged, and cast wheels, as well as correct procedures for sizing, maintenance, and mounting are all crucial factors in getting the most out of your truck and Jeep wheels.

Billy Han currently resides in La Palma, CA, and works as a Copywriter for Transamerican Auto Parts. ransamerican Auto Parts is a leading aftermarket supplier for of truck parts and jeep accessories, including truck and jeep wheels, lift kits, suspension, wincges, tires, bumpers, performance parts, and more.

2011年6月15日 星期三

All About Macadamia Nuts - What You Need to Know

Considering that macadamia nuts were first discovered in the Australia areas and that the Hawaiian island archipelago is relatively within the same southern hemisphere, is it any surprise that these nuts also grow here too. Therefore, there are also many Hawaiian companies that deal specifically with these certain nuts. Coincidently, some of these companies also grow the world famous coffee too, on the same plantation. The exceptional soil allows this to occur and allow people to reap the rewards.

However, it does take a while for the nut tree to grow. Anywhere from seven to ten, eleven, or twelve years of age and these trees will begin producing the rewards in the form of nuts. They will continue to do this, with good health, for one hundreds of more. And, speaking of health, there are quite a number of benefits that contribute to good health in humans.

Not only are macadamia nuts good to eat, they are also beneficial when used directly on the skin. Lets discuss these specific aspects a little farther beginning with the skin aspect.

Palmitoleic acid is considered to be one of the highly coveted Omega-seven's, the macadamia nut contains over twenty percent of this extract and therefore, is highly desired for their cosmetic abilities.
As far as food groups are concerned, the macadamia nut has many wonderful and beneficial elements. These are things such as calcium, proteins, iron, and a few more. But, it is the monounsaturated fats that are the most important and it is this specific nut that is the highest of all nuts.

Regardless of these benefits, most folks simply enjoy their taste and generally do not even consider any health benefits that may be included in their consumption. And, this is why there are over a hundred thousand tons exported every year. Although, it is Australia that exports the most, Hawaii contributes to this large number also.

And, it is this specific nut that is the primary choice for many confectioners around the world where they are added to many sweet wonderful delights. From various forms of chocolate to hard tack to cakes and cookies, these nuts contribute quite extensively.

The macadamia nut's shell is exceptionally hard and there are only a few choice animals other than man that is able to fully appreciate these nuts. Besides man, Macaws are one of the very few animals that are actually able to get the shell open to even get at the nut. Coincidentally, while we are on the animal subject, dogs will get very ill for a couple of days if they ingest these nuts, so keep your canine away from them.

However, these Hawaiian macadamia nuts are special and have been for a very long time. These trees have been cultivated for centuries and now produce some of the worlds best. Find out more tips about Hawaiian macadamia nuts at http://macadamia-nuts.researchguidetips.com

How to Make Delicious Candy - Chocolate Cashew Macadamia Crunch

If you think you can't make delicious candies, you are, simply put, wrong! Making your own homemade candy doesn't have to be hard. Here is a recipe to make a homemade candy that is delicious but not difficult. This one is enough to make your mouth water: Cashew Macadamia Crunch.

The Macadamia nuts give this chocolate candy a touch of the islands. How could the combination of chocolate chips, cashews, macadamia nuts, butter, sugar, and corn syrup not be delicious? Too bad I have become a diabetic. But I'm going to try this with sugar-free chocolate chips, Splenda granular instead of sugar and see how it turns out. I'm hoping there won't be enough corn syrup in a couple of pieces to raise my blood sugar! I think the nuts will counteract the corn syrup--I hope.


1 pkg (11 1/2-oz) milk chocolate chips
3/4 cup coarsely chopped cashews
3/4 cup coarsely chopped macadamia nuts
1 stick butter, softened
1/2 cup sugar
2 tbsp light corn syrup

Line a 9-inch square pan with foil, extending foil over edges of pan. Butter foil. Cover bottom of prepared pan with chocolate chips. Combine the cashews, macadamia nuts, butter, sugar, and corn syrup in a large heavy skillet; cook over low heat, stirring constantly until the butter is melted and the sugar is dissolved. Turn heat to medium and cook, stirring constantly, until the mixture begins to cling together and turns a medium golden brown color. This will take about 10 minutes. Pour the mixture over the chocolate chips in the pan. Spread the mixture evenly. Cool and refrigerate until the chocolate is firm. Remove from the pan and peel off the foil. Break into serving size pieces. May be stored in a cool, dry place in a tightly covered container.

Yield: About 1 1/2 lbs

Enjoy! (And eat a piece for me!)

For more candy and "sweets" recipes visit my blog at http://ladybugssweettreats.blogspot.com. For more of Linda's recipes and diabetic information go to http://diabeticenjoyingfood.squarespace.com.

2011年6月14日 星期二

All About Almonds

History of Almonds:

Domesticated almonds first appeared in about 3000-2000 BC in the Near East. A variety of almonds was even found in King Tut's tomb in Egypt. Almonds were a delicacy added to the breads served to Egyptian Pharaohs. Explorers along the famous "Silk" road between Asia and the Mediterranean ate almonds while traveling. This led to almonds flourishing next in the countries of Spain and Italy.

In the mid 18th Century, almonds first arrived in California. Almonds didn't grow very well in California's climate however. But, in the late 1800s, research and cross-breeding developed the almond varieties we still eat today. Most of the world's almond production now comes from California's Central Valley.


Almonds are one of the most nutrient dense foods available. They are a great source of high quality protein, vitamin E, magnesium, and unsaturated fat, calcium, fiber and phosphorus. They also contain manganese, vitamin B6 and arginine. Almonds do not have any cholesterol.

Almond Trivia:

o Japanese teenagers enjoy snacking on a mixture of dried sardines and slivered almonds.

o The world's largest almond factory is in Sacramento, California. It processes 2 million pounds of almonds daily.

o The protein in almonds very much like the proteins found in human breast milk and is the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine's choice as a base for baby formula.

o When growing almonds, you must always have more than one variety in your orchard because almonds must be cross-pollinated with another variety.

o Almond trees must be pollinated by bees.

o The almond is a member of the rose family.

o The Hershey company has produced several special editions of their "Almond Joy" candy bar, including: (2004) Pina Colada and Double Chocolate Almond Joy, (2005) Chocolate Key Lime and Milk Chocolate Passion Fruit and (2006) Toasted Coconut Almond Joy.

o According to superstition: if you eat almonds before taking a drink, you will reduce the chances of getting drunk and avoid having a hangover.


Glazed Almond Rice

Serving Size: 4

Categories : Side Dish


o 2 teaspoons olive oil

o 1/2 cup slivered almonds

o 1 tablespoon almond liqueur

o 2 cups rice -- cooked

o 1/4 cup green onions -- minced

Heat oil in skillet; add almonds and saute just until golden. Add liqueur and rice to skillet. Stir until heated. Add onions; stir to mix well. Add rice to skillet. Stir until heated. Add onions; stir to mix well.

Low Carb Almond Bread

Serving Size: 12


o 8 ounces cream cheese

o 1 cup butter-softened

o 4 eggs

o 2 tablespoons Splenda

o 2 teaspoons baking powder

o ? teaspoon salt

o 3 cups almond flour

o 2 tablespoons flax seed meal

Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Prepare a 1 and ? quart loaf pan with spray oil. Combine wet ingredients together in a blender until smooth. Mix dry ingredients together and then fold in wet ingredients. Pour evenly into the baking pan. Bake for 50-60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool in pan on a wire rack for 15 minutes, then invert on a serving plate.

Keep refrigerated.


Jason Dick is an Internet Security Specialist and web author whose most recent notable work can be found at http://home.stopsign.com. He has also worked for seven years in the food services industry and is writing a series of articles regarding current food trends, many of which contain recipes for the website: http://recipefor.com


2011年6月13日 星期一

Macadamia Nut Oil - 6 Benefits For Acid Reflux Sufferers

Acid reflux sufferers who are looking for remedies and cures should consider reducing the fat in their diet. One of the lowest fat cooking oils is made from the macadamia nut. Did you know that the macadamia is the only major commercial food crop that is native to Australia and named after John Macadam, M.D., once Secretary of the Philosophical Institute of Victoria. Macadam died on a ship on his way to taste the nut named for him.

Today macadamia nuts are grown commercially in many other regions of the world such as Hawaii, Mexico, South Africa, Brazil and Florida. Macadamia nut trees love rich, volcanic soils, sub-tropical climate and much rain. The native tree produces a nut with an extremely hard shell.

Here are 6 benefits of macadamia nut oil for acid reflux sufferers:

1 Helps reduce the production of trans fatty acids.
2 Has a naturally high smoke point (400-450°) which makes it a very versatile cooking oil. Olive oil has become popular in the last few years for its beneficial qualities, however macadamia nut oil has a much higher smoke point and doesn't lose its nutritional value at really high temperatures.
3 Has a 1:1 ratio of Omega-3 and Omega-6 oils and also contains antioxidants. Proponents of macadamia nut oil point to studies showing that switching to this oil lowers the risk indicators for heart disease.
4 Macadamias have in the past been more expensive than other nuts because of the environment in which they thrive plus the difficulties of the hard shell. New varieties have been engineered to produce softer shells and combined with expanded locales and production, prices have dropped dramatically.
5 Good oils like macadamia nut oil can help you feel full longer which in turn reduces the tendency to keep eating and thus may prevent acid reflux symptoms from developing.
6 Has a long shelf life and can be ordered online if not available in your local store.

Avoiding fat altogether is not necessarily the answer for acid reflux sufferers. Macadamia nut oil is a smart alternative for adding the right kind of fat to your diet.

And now I'd like to invite you to get free access to my "7 Tips for Coping With Acid Reflux" series when you visit Reflux Is Acid. From one sufferer to another, let's beat acid reflux together.

C.M. Cobb
Reflux Is Acid

Macadamia Nut Oil - Homemade Skin Care and More

Macadamia nut oil comes from the nuts of the Macadamia Ternifolia, the macadamia tree, originating in Australia and Madagascar. Today, this tree is found around the world in: New Zealand, South Africa, Kenya, Malawi, Mexico, Israel, Hawaii, California and Florida.

Macadamia nut oil provides a variety of health benefits with its rich vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and more! It is found in commercial and homemade skin care products, used for massages, health care and cooking. Caution should be heeded, though. Those people with nut allergies should avoid macadamia nuts and macadamia nut oil, or use them with caution.


Macadamia nut oil is an unrefined oil with a light, non-greasy, golden-yellowish color and a sweet nutty aroma. It is, often, found in products used for face care, baby care and lip care. It is used for making homemade soap, homemade lotion, creams, balms, body scrubs and bath oils.

It is moisturizing, toning and soothing for dry skin, young skin, mature skin, oily skin, acne and sunburns. It penetrates into the skin very quickly, sometimes called a "vanishing oil". It contains vitamin E, supporting proper cell function and cell regeneration, helps to heal small wounds, skin irritations, fade scars, stretch marks, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, contributing to anti-aging properties.

Its high level of antioxidants allows a shelf life, from the time of bottling, of at least 2 years, without refrigeration. Refrigeration is recommended after opening. It has a shelf life if 6 - 12 months, if refrigerated.


Macadamia nut oil is good massage oil for normal and sensitive skin. It is quick penetrating and considered one of the best carrier oils around used with diluted essential oils for aromatherapy treatments.


Macadamias contain high protein, rich in vitamins and minerals. They contain approximately 80% of monounsaturated fat, which is the good kind of fat that lowers the LDL (bad cholesterol) and raises the HDL (good cholesterol). It contains palmitoleic acid, (omega 7), which is effective in lowering cholesterol, reducing risk of heart disease, and improving metabolism by curbing appetites helping to burn fat faster.

It contains omega 3s helping to lower the risk of heart disease, cancer, osteoporosis, and the severity of arthritis, menstrual cramps, and migraine headaches. It helps to maintain a healthy nervous system and may help to relieve depression.

It contains omega 6s maintaining normal growth and development; bone health, reproductive system, stimulating skin and hair growth and regulating metabolism.

It contains thiamine, which is helpful to convert carbohydrates into energy and maintain the nervous system. It contains vitamin A, iron, vitamins B1 - (thiamine), B2 - (riboflavin), B3 - (niacin), B6 (pyridoxamine) and the benefits of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant which protects cells from damaging free radicals. This nut is naturally cholesterol free and is, also, a great source of fiber.


This natural oil is highly nutritious. It is ideal for high heat cooking. It is sometimes used as a substitute for olive oil, canola oil, or butter in baking. It can be sprinkled on salads or used as a topping for fish or chicken.

There are a variety of uses and healthful benefits of macadamia nut oil! You may consider trying this, natural, oil for its wonderful and bountiful benefits!

Find natural macadamia nut oil and more, at: http://www.natural-goat-milk-soap.com/macadamia-nut-oil.html

2011年6月12日 星期日

Macadamia Nut Oil - How it is Used

Macadamia nut oil is used specifically a couple of different ways. One is for cooking and one is for the cosmetic industry. Therefore, lets discuss both aspects and explore exactly what each different application has to offer to the consumer.

Lets begin with the cooking aspect. This will include the health benefits that are included with the ingestion too. First off, this could be used for both cooking as well as oil in a salad. The cooking capabilities are quite good and it will not smoke until it becomes over four hundred degrees Fahrenheit. It stores well and will last for over a year. It is made primarily of monounsaturated fats and is not very volatile of catch fire quickly.

It is very comparable to regular cooking oil and adds a hint of the macadamia flavor. There are versions that have been even more refined and are quite clear too but the flavor will remain.

Health benefits include niacin, iron, calcium, and proteins. But, it is this nut, and only this nut that has the highest amount of monounsaturated fats, which is very nutritious and therefore causes the macadamia nut to be so popular. However, some will argue this fact and simply just look at the taste of the nut. And, they would be correct too. Fore, not only are these specific nuts good, they are also good for you.

As far as the cosmetic aspect is concerned, it is very oxidative stable and works well in cream based products and does not feel oily. It is often compared to mink oil and is even more often substituted for it.

Therefore, eating as well as creams in the cosmetic industry are the largest consumers of macadamia nuts. Some are used in the confectioner's arena when adding them to candies, cookies, and cakes. Some are used and enjoyed in their raw form. And some have the oil extracted from them to be used in other purposes.

There is however, one single use that this is not good for and can even have detrimental effects. This is whether a dog eats them or not. These will make a dog tremendously sick. Sick to the point that the dog will not be able to move. Therefore, be aware for those who have a dog as the family pet and keep these types of nuts completely away from them. This would probably also include any oil that was used to cook with and will subsequently be used as leftovers to feed the family pet. Simply put, if there is any confusion as to whether this oil was used, eliminate all doubt and throw the leftovers away.

Regardless, the macadamia nut does provide a bevy of a variety of uses and these have shown many benefits. This said, although, it is the cosmetic industry that is probably the largest buyer and user of macadamia nut oil for use in their many products from creams to lotions and beyond, the candy industry can honestly say that they use it quite extensively too. Find out more tips about macadamia nut oil at http://macadamia-nuts.researchguidetips.com

2011年6月10日 星期五

When Avon Calls, Should You Answer?

Virtually every adult female on the planet knows the name Avon. Most women know Avon products; fewer are familiar with its sales force and techniques. Let's take a look at the Avon's evolution as a business.

Background: Established in the late 1800s and more than a century old, the company is presently headquartered in New York city. Annual sales exceed $8 Billion in over a hundred countries.

Avon has 5 main product lines of cosmetics, skin care, wellness products, fragrances and a younger women's line. Avon is also savvy about its affordable pricing.

Despite its feminine focus, Avon was founded by a male, David McConnell. Avon has earned a reputation for integrity and quality. Consistent implementation of its marketing techniques has made Avon a solid household name.

Business Start: As an Avon representative, commissions can be earned in a variety of ways. The basic commission package generates profits of about 20-50% from direct sales. Commission overrides on sales generated by team members is about 12% and varies depending on size and sales volume. Earning potential appears high.

Company Endorsements and Community Involvement: Avon focuses on the "warm sale" technique, meaning face-to-face contact. Some representatives find the personal approach easier because of Avon's celebrity endorsers such as Reese Witherspoon, Zoe Saldana and Courteney Cox.

Avon is also well known for its charitable support. The company leads in the fight against cancer and domestic abuse.

Avon earns a 'thumbs-up' for business ethics. With Direct Selling Association, the company follows ethical guidelines both in marketing and consumer protection.

Avon has been successful in branding itself as a women's company through these campaigns. If you are very social, Avon could be a good fit for you. Applying the training with consistency is key. No pain, no gain. Avon's programs make the process pain-free.

Training: Avon offers a training program that is so good it received the Brandon-Hall award and the Society for Technical Communications award. The program reaches an audience of 600,000 on-line. Consisting of 20 courses, it is interactive and teaches by way of example. Financial and general business instruction are included. In training, Avon is cutting edge.

Avon does not allow you to sell its products through websites other than those purchased from Avon. Research did not reveal any prohibition about promoting Avon through social networking a la Facebook or MySpace.. Active use of the Avon template websites permits a representative to host e-parties and popular virtual make-overs. Avon is advancing its marketing into the 21st century. An Avon Rep community also exists on-line.

One might speculate that Avon's mandated use of its template website is limiting. This approach does not allow for 'personal branding' that can set a marketing representative apart from the competition. Perhaps Avon prefers this kind of control to assure quality representation and protect its business reputation.

If you enjoy human contact and beauty products, this could be the business for you. You would be signing on with a company that is unparalleled in network businesses. How Avon will evolve in the future is, of course, unknown. If history is any indicator, Avon will morph itself into a sustaining company for another hundred years.

To rock your Avon business, click on the link, fill in the box and get immediate free access to sample training videos, especially #2 and #3, to get started now. Answer the call!

Lauren Botney is an Online Marketing Coach and Mentor for what is arguably the World's Largest Internet Marketing School around. Specializing in Article Marketing, Social Media Networking and other essentials for profitable Internet Marketing. She is dedicated and stubborn. She trains complete newcomers and seasoned pros worldwide to achieve Financial Success through solid mentoring, proven business strategies and continuing education to stay on top of current trends and retain an important competitive edge in the marketplace. She know how to work it from home.

2011年6月9日 星期四

Cooking With Cashews

Although many think of cashews as a nut for baking or dipped in chocolate, it can also be added to stir-fries and salads or made into a delicious nut butter. Cashews can be a key ingredient for main dishes, side dishes, desserts, or snacks. Try cooking some cashews over low heat in unsalted butter, curry powder, salt, and cayenne.

Best Use Cashews are best used in recipes for stir-fries, curries, vegetables, salad, pasta, rice, stew, and desserts. Cashew butter is an interesting alternative to regular butter and may impress your dining guests. One of my favorite uses for cashews in right out of the bag or can! They are a great snack. Cashews are a favorite in a nut mix also.

How to care for your Cashews Store in a cool, dry place in an airtight container. Cashews can last up to six months in the refrigerator or up to a year if frozen.

Cashew Measures, Weights, and Equivalents

1 pound cashews = 3-1/4 cups
1 ounce cashews = 14 large or 18 medium nuts
6-1/4 ounce can = 1-1/3 cups.
Up Side Roasted cashews have a lower fat content than any other nut. Cashews promote good cardiovascular health, are rich in antioxidants, are high in fiber, and is in general, a very healthy snack. The Cashew's high copper content is vital in producing energy, healthy blood vessels, bones, and joints. Cashews can also lower the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and gallstone disease. The fat content in cashews are considered good fat with a fat ratio 1:2:1 for saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated, respectively, which scientist say is the ideal ratio for optimal health. Cashews have less fat per serving than almonds, walnuts, peanuts, and pecans.

Down Side Cashews become soft in baked goods and do not keep their crunch like other nuts. Cashews can turn rancid quickly because of their high oil content; so should not be stored on the shelf.

More Info About.com, HubPages.com, OrganicCashewNuts.com, Cooking-Ingredients.com

Davee Kaplan is an expert author for EzineArticles, writes her own blog, microblogs on Twitter and Facebook, has written product critiques for Amazon, buyer/seller critiques for eBay, service critiques for ServiceMaster, and restaurant critiques for Yelp and Zagat. Davee loves to cook, write, make smoothies and juices, critique restaurants, indoor garden and dance. EatAndDance.com was started to write about healthy eating from a dancer's perspective. Davee is a world champion Salsa dancer and has been dancing for over 20 years.

2011年6月8日 星期三

Defy Death - Snack Yourself Into a Healthy Heart With Almonds

Heart disease is THE major killer of both men and women.

Studies show that people who eat raw almonds regularly have a lower (up to 50%!) risk of cardiac arrest. Almonds contain a high level of arginine, an amino acid that helps the body manufacture nitric oxide that relaxes and widens blood vessels.

Increasing blood flow helps to unclog the arteries. Amino acid helps to prevent deposits of cholesterol in the arteries. Additional nutrients support health and vitality.

Can almonds save your life?

Almonds significantly decrease your risk of heart disease, diabetes, and cancer, reduce your weight -- and add nutrition (vitamin e) and natural oils that reduce wrinkles and the look of aging.

"Annually, over a


deaths are caused by medicine

(latrogenic illness).

This is more than

cardiovascular disease

(the second leading cause

of death) and cancer

(the third cause of death.)


Allopathic or Rx Meds are the leading cause of death in the U.S. Heart disease is the next leading cause of death (United States.) Studies involving more than 200,000 participants show that diets that include a handful of raw almonds a day help significantly to reduce the risk of heart disease. Almonds - and a healthy lifestyle - reduce your NEED for Rx meds. Raw almonds help you avoid the leading killers of both men and women.

Why? Because raw almonds contain powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatories and heart disease is an inflammatory condition. Taking Rx meds ups your risk too.

"Health requires healthy food." Roger Williams

Raw shelled almonds are a "Superfood."

Health and vitality are choices you make every day, with every meal and snack you eat. Superfoods, like almonds, are foods that have been used for centuries for their nutrition and healing properties. Small daily amounts of Superfoods return huge benefits.

It is only recently that the new scientific discoveries show what your ancestors knew to be true. Almonds have the ability to sustain your energy and restore your health and vitality daily. Almonds are especially effective after an illness or physical set-back.

Did you know that it only takes a handful of almonds a day (about 3-4 ounces) to lower your risk of heart attack and diabetes? That is, if almonds are your primary source of fat. The healthy choice is to cut out all other fats (but olive oil) and replace them with almonds. Here's why.

The monounsaturated fats in almonds begin lowering your total cholesterol within a week or so. More important - almonds also lower the LDL cholesterol, or the "bad" cholesterol that is harmful to your heart, arteries and immune system.

"Let food be thy medicine,

and let thy medicine be food." Hippocrates

Snack your way to a healthy heart.

Make almonds your 'snack of choice.' That half-cup of almonds can return amazing health benefits naturally. In several studies almonds lowered heart problems by more than 50%. It's a natural cure that works - rather than supplements, that cost more and may or may not be absorbed into your body's system.

When you eat between three and four ounces of almonds, several times a week, you lower your total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol: Without lowering the HDL, or good cholesterol.

Almonds prevent gallstone buildup.

Almonds also lower your risk for gallstones. By lowering total cholesterol, almonds help the body to control the amount of LDL cholesterol that enters your gallbladder. That lowers the risk of cholesterol crystallizing into gallstones.

Make that raw, organic - and fresh.

Eat organic nutritious almonds instead of the fats now in your diet (like fried food, dairy and dressings.) You'll reap the benefit of lowering your cholesterol and risk of heart attack. The nuts tested in the studies were raw and unsalted -- not roasted in oil and salted.

The researchers also found a "diet" benefit.

Unexpected weight loss resulted, even though the participants were consuming nuts several times a week Participants did not gain weight and some were actually losing pounds. Why? The small amount of nuts eaten during the study were so filling that they craved, and ate, fewer of their usual high-fat snacks like fried foods and chips and dips.

"The doctor of the future

will no longer treat the human

frame with drugs,

but rather will cure and prevent

disease with nutrition."

Thomas Edison

Almonds facts and figures.

Here's the nutritional profile of raw almonds: 4 ounces contain 25 grams of protein, 12 grams of fiber, and significant: calcium, potassium, zinc, vitamin E, and traces of magnesium.

Almonds are "filling" because they are high nutrition - providing protein, fiber, and minerals, and contain health-promoting monounsaturated fat.

Nuts are a perfect "travel," quick convenience food.

Organic almonds are naturally preserved by their "shell" for long storage. Shelled almonds keep fresh in the refrigerator in sealed containers for months. Organic is worth the cost as some sprayed pesticides and fungicides are "systemic." That means the poison is infused into the tree and soil, ending up in the "fruit."

Include heart-healthy raw almonds every day - here is how.

Add almonds to sandwich "fillings" and salads, to soups and stews.
Blend up a fruit or veggie smoothie and add raw almonds.
Add raw almonds to cereal, fruit or add raw organic almond butter to toast or sandwich.
Add raw almonds (after cooking) to rice pudding and to ice cream, pies, cookies and cakes.

Cooked almonds lose their curative properties. Eat them raw for their nutritional benefits. Health and vitality build with every meal - and you choose fresh every day.

"The difference between

perseverance and obstinacy

is that one often comes from

a strong will, and the other

from a strong won't."

Henry Ward Beecher

Changing for the better.

Changing diet habits and favorite snacks is tough - only because the craving is a habit. If you have a habit that is limiting your energy - and even your life - it's worth it to make the changes, isn't it?

It takes about 21 days of concentration to set a new habit - and build your future on a healthy, happy body. It is the only one you got - might as well take care of it!

Almonds improve your heart's survival chances by more than 50%. Why not relieve the stress that underlies all dis-ease - and be 100% heart-safe? It's easy to change your mind and live stress free. All it takes is your desire, commitment and a plan that suits your lifestyle. It's all up to you.

Your Good Fortune: "Do not give up. The best is yet to come."

Cheryl Janecky is the expert on attracting Good Fortune and quick easy steps to Living the Dream healthy and stress free. Get the facts and FREE "21 Insights, tips and strategies" at http://www.quick-good-fortune.com/Health-Wellness.html.

Start now to relieve stress naturally. From the new sciences and ancient wisdom, get the FREE facts on how to live without fear at Quick Good Fortune? Stress Relief Today.

Copyright ? The Good Fortune Company LLC - All Rights reserved.

Jazz Up Your Meals With Almonds

The dictionary defines an almond as the kernel of the fruit of a tree. But Silk Road traders thought of almonds as a portable and tasty food source. Many cultures, including the Romans, reserved almonds for celebrations. Today, many of us prepare holiday recipes that contain almonds.

Why have almonds been popular for centuries?

The answer: Almonds have a unique flavor and give food an extra crunch. Toasted almonds and golden raisins, for example, turn basic cooked rice into a tasty pilaf. Almonds give green and meat salads an extra flavor punch. Adding 1/4 teaspoon of almond extract to vanilla pudding mix makes it taste like made-from-scratch.

Put almonds on your grocery list and jazz up your meals. Curried almond Soup sounds like company fare, but it's a yummy Saturday night supper when served with crusty bread. The Almond-Apricot Granola is perfect at breakfast time and snack time. Almond extract and whole almonds make these Chinese Almond Cookies doubly good.


2 tablespoons canola oil, 1 tablespoon butter, 1/2 cup whole almonds, 2 tespoons (or more) curry powder, 3 tablespoons + 1 teaspoon granular flour, 2 cups skim milk, 2 cups low-fat chicken stock (from a carton) 1/2 teaspoon light salt

In a large pan, saute almonds in canola oil, butter, and curry powder until nuts are lightly browned. Remove nuts with slotted spoon and cool. Put almonds in a food processor and process for about 10 seconds, or until nuts are ground.

Sprinkle flour over remaining oil-butter in pan. Cook over medium heat, stirring constantly, for one minute to form a roux. Using a whisk, gradually add milk and chicken stock to roux. Stir soup until slighty thickened. Add ground almonds and salt to soup. Serve immediately, garnished with fresh parsley. Yield: 4 servings.


Dry ingredients: 6 cups uncooked oatmeal, 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 1/2 cup sliced almonds

Wet ingredients: 2 tablespoons canola oil, 3 tablespoons frozen apple juice (undiluted), 1/4 cup honey, 2 teaspoons almond extract

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. Combine dry ingredients in a large bowl. Combine wet ingredients in a small bowl. Add wet ingredients to dry and mix well. Line a jelly roll pan with non-stick foil. Pour granola mixture into pan and spread evenly. Bake for about 20 minutes, stirring twice, until granola is golden brown. After granola has cooled add 1/4 cup dried apricots, cut into thin strips. Yield: About 7 cups.

CHINESE ALMOND COOKIES (Sorry, these aren't low-cal.)

1 cup butter-flavored Crisco, 1/2 cup sugar, 1/2 cup Splenda, 1/3 cup brown sugar, 1 teaspoon baking soda, 2 large eggs (room temperature), 1 tablespoon almond extract, 1/2 teaspoon salt, 3 cups pre-sifted flour, 1 teaspoon (or more) of water, 1 package (3 1/4 ounces) whole almonds

In large mixing bowl, beat Crisco, granulated sugar, Splenda,

and brown sugar until flullfy. Add eggs and almond extract. Beat one minute more. With mixer at lowest speed, add remaining ingredients, EXCEPT almonds. Finish blending dough with a wooden spoon, adding a few drops of water if necessary.

Form dough into small balls. Roll balls in granulated sugar. Put balls on prepared baking pan, one inch apart, and flatten slightly. Place a whole almond in the center of each cookie. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes or until edges begin to brown. Yield: 5 dozen.

Copyright 2005 by Harriet Hodgson. To learn more about her work go to http://www.harriethodgson.com

Harriet Hodgson has been a nonfiction writer for 27 years and is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. Before she became a health writer she was a food writer for the former "Rochester Magazine," in her hometown of Rochester, MN. Her 24th book, "Smiling Through Your Tears: Anticipating Grief," written with co-author Lois Krahn, MD, is available from http://www.amazon.com

2011年6月7日 星期二

Almonds Are a Superfood Too

Did you know ... the traditional wedding favor of five candied almonds originated in Italy in the 1350s? They represent the five attributes of a happy marriage; health, wealth, happiness, fertility and longevity.

Almonds are the seeds of a fruit tree that is a relative of the rose family. Most commercially grown almond trees are grafted to the stumps of peach trees (rootstock), making them more resistant to pests. Prunus dulcis, meaning "sweet almond", is the commonly consumed version of almonds. "Bitter" almond contains a toxic chemical called hydrocyanic acid that can be deadly to humans if eaten raw. When heated, this chemical is destroyed, making the bitter almond safe to consume. Sweet almonds, the most consumed tree nuts in the United States, comprise 62 per cent of the nut market.

Almonds originated in central Asia and have been cultivated in the Mediterranean since biblical times. The Bible spoke of Aaron's rod that blossomed and bore almonds, using them as a symbol to represent divine approval by God. The almond also symbolized virginity and was often used as a marriage blessing. The Egyptians left almonds in King Tut's tomb to provide nourishment to him in the afterlife. In 1700, Franciscan padres brought the almond tree to California from Spain. By the turn of the twentieth century, the almond industry was firmly established in the Sacramento and San Joaquin areas of California.

Where Do Almonds Come From

The United States provides 88 per cent of worldwide almond production with California growing the bulk of the U.S. supply. They are also grown in Spain, Turkey, Greece and Italy.

Why Should I Eat Them?

A small handful of almonds (about 23 almonds) contains 160 calories and is a good source of protein and fiber. This same amount supplies 35 per cent of the daily value (DV) for vitamin E and 20 per cent DV of magnesium, and is a good source of calcium and iron. Almonds contain a variety of antioxidants including the flavonoids quercetin and kaempferol, which may prevent cancer cell growth and oxidation of LDL ("bad") cholesterol, attributed to increased risk of heart disease.

Almonds have been used in hopes of curing cancer, ulcers and corns, and reducing symptoms associated with consuming too much alcohol.

Heart Health: A study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (A/CN) showed that eating a combination of heart-healthy foods that includes almonds can help reduce LDL or "bad" cholesterol levels as much as a first-line statin drug.

Loma Linda University was the first to demonstrate that eating almonds raises vitamin E levels in the bloodstream. Participants who ate almonds reduced their total cholesterol by 5 per cent and lowered their LDL or "bad" cholesterol by nearly 7 per cent.

In 2003, the Food and Drug Administration approved a limited health claim for almonds saying that consuming them may reduce the risk of heart disease. Dr David Jenkins of the University of Toronto found that eating a healthy diet that included almonds reduced inflammation by about the same level as taking Lovastatin, a popular statin drug for fighting heart disease. The almond-rich diet not only lowered cholesterol but it also lowered C-reactive protein, a leading marker of inflammation and an independent risk factor for heart disease.

Alzheimer's: Mice with an Alzheimer's-like disease were fed an almond-rich diet. After four months, those animals who ate the almond-rich diet did much better on memory tests than those fed the usual food. The diet also reduced the number of Alzheimer deposits in the rodent brains.

Colon Cancer: A study from the University of California, Davis, found that almonds had a significant effect on the prevention of colon cancer in rats.

Tips on Using Almonds

Consumer, beware! Make sure you are buying "the real McCoy". Many imported almonds are not almonds at all - they're apricot kernels They may look similar but the taste and health benefits of real almonds are second to none.

Look for almonds in the shell that don't rattle when you shake them. Rattling may be a sign that the almonds are old.

Fresh almonds are white throughout. One that is yellow or has a honeycomb look to it may mean the nut has turned rancid.

Green almonds are available for three weeks in the spring. They have a fuzzy green hull and a jellylike centre. They are great on a salad or plain with a dash of sea salt.

Look in the baking aisle, the snack aisle and the grocery section of the supermarket for many types of almonds. Look for snack packs of whole almonds, or other on-the-go containers. Choose slivered, sliced, chopped or ground almonds to use in recipes.

Store in a cool, dry, dark place.

Unopened, containers of almonds can be kept in the refrigerator or a cool pantry for up to two years. Once opened, they should be kept in an airtight container and consumed within three months.

Preparation And Serving Suggestions:

Roasting almonds before serving them brings out their rich flavor.
Sprinkle sliced almonds on granola, cold cereal or yogurt for breakfast or for a healthy anytime snack.
Spread almond butter on an English muffin or toast. Almond butter, sold by the jar, is available next to peanut butter, jams and preserves at some supermarkets and health food shops.
Use almond milk in breakfast smoothies or on cereal. You'll find it in an un-refrigerated box next to the soy milk section at the supermarket.
Munch on some almond trail mix or snack mix.
Roast whole almonds with kosher salt and a variety of herbs, such as rosemary, thyme, curry powder, cumin, cinnamon or cardamom for some kick.
Add slivered almonds to rice, couscous, other grain dishes and pasta.
Use ground almond meat for a healthy "breading" for fish or poultry.

Michelle is an established nutritional consultant and has been writing articles to help people protect and enhance their health for nearly 4 years now. Michelle has also discovered that nutrition plays a key role in many health problems and the right nutrition can help with conditions like lower back pain and provide some much needed back pain relief.