2011年6月15日 星期三

All About Macadamia Nuts - What You Need to Know

Considering that macadamia nuts were first discovered in the Australia areas and that the Hawaiian island archipelago is relatively within the same southern hemisphere, is it any surprise that these nuts also grow here too. Therefore, there are also many Hawaiian companies that deal specifically with these certain nuts. Coincidently, some of these companies also grow the world famous coffee too, on the same plantation. The exceptional soil allows this to occur and allow people to reap the rewards.

However, it does take a while for the nut tree to grow. Anywhere from seven to ten, eleven, or twelve years of age and these trees will begin producing the rewards in the form of nuts. They will continue to do this, with good health, for one hundreds of more. And, speaking of health, there are quite a number of benefits that contribute to good health in humans.

Not only are macadamia nuts good to eat, they are also beneficial when used directly on the skin. Lets discuss these specific aspects a little farther beginning with the skin aspect.

Palmitoleic acid is considered to be one of the highly coveted Omega-seven's, the macadamia nut contains over twenty percent of this extract and therefore, is highly desired for their cosmetic abilities.
As far as food groups are concerned, the macadamia nut has many wonderful and beneficial elements. These are things such as calcium, proteins, iron, and a few more. But, it is the monounsaturated fats that are the most important and it is this specific nut that is the highest of all nuts.

Regardless of these benefits, most folks simply enjoy their taste and generally do not even consider any health benefits that may be included in their consumption. And, this is why there are over a hundred thousand tons exported every year. Although, it is Australia that exports the most, Hawaii contributes to this large number also.

And, it is this specific nut that is the primary choice for many confectioners around the world where they are added to many sweet wonderful delights. From various forms of chocolate to hard tack to cakes and cookies, these nuts contribute quite extensively.

The macadamia nut's shell is exceptionally hard and there are only a few choice animals other than man that is able to fully appreciate these nuts. Besides man, Macaws are one of the very few animals that are actually able to get the shell open to even get at the nut. Coincidentally, while we are on the animal subject, dogs will get very ill for a couple of days if they ingest these nuts, so keep your canine away from them.

However, these Hawaiian macadamia nuts are special and have been for a very long time. These trees have been cultivated for centuries and now produce some of the worlds best. Find out more tips about Hawaiian macadamia nuts at http://macadamia-nuts.researchguidetips.com

