2011年6月3日 星期五

Brazil Nut Oil - Where It Comes From And Where To Buy It

Brazil nuts are native to the Amazon region of South America and are harvested from huge trees over 100 feet tall.? It can take up to 30 years for the trees to produce the first crop of hard, cannonball sized pods, each weighing up to 5 pounds. The complex ecosystem of the region makes for some unusual properties about the Brazil nut.

First, the tree is only pollinated by a single species of insect, a bee that depends upon the tree and is found in that particular region of the Amazon.

Second, only one animal, the agouti, a rather large rodent native to the rain forest, has the very large and sharp teeth capable of gnawing through the tough outer husk, or fruit pod. ?The agouti's work allows the seeds inside the pod to be scattered across the rain forest floor, ensuring the new generation. ??

Because the trees are in dense forests, take many years to bear fruit, and require such specific conditions to grow, they are not suited for plantations.? Rugged workers carry the heavy pods and nuts to locations where they can be sorted and prepared for use.

The most common products derived from the plants are the moist and crunchy nuts, which are high in protein, and rich in oil.? This oil can be extracted with some dedication for a delicate, distinctive salad dressing, and has many other uses.?

The nut oil and butter are moisturizers for skin and hair, and a natural remedy for split ends. They are an excellent source of antioxidants and selenium and supply all the omega fats as well.

High quality Brazil nut products are a trade commodity in the Amazon region. Buying Brazil nuts, oils and candles from companies that embrace Fair Trade practices, allows workers to collect a living wage that can sustain themselves and their families.

Visit The HUB Global Marketplace to find Fair Trade Brazil Nut products from Peru and other hard-to-find items that support Fair Trade from all over the world. Items can be shipped to your door - or sent as gifts. The Global Marketplace is the portal for shopping in a "cause driven economy." You select who, where, how, and how much impact you want to make in the world by the products you select to purchase. The way in which each of us chooses to spend our money is a powerful act.

Click here for Brazil Nut Oils and other items that make an impact. http://hubhub.org

Dave Petzold is a supporter of Humanity Unites Brilliance.

