2011年6月4日 星期六

Benefits of Brazil Nuts - Nature's Fat Burning Food!

Discover the incredible weight loss benefits of brazil nuts, how to best prepare them and how much you should eat to get maximum benefit from brazil nuts - one of nature's amazing fat burning foods.

It's really no surprise that we get the Brazil nut from - where else - Brazil! As a matter of fact, they are found on the towering Bertholletia excelsa tree that grows in the Amazon River Basin of South America.

They are actually seeds instead of nuts, and are enclosed within a tough outer shell, with flesh that looks like the flesh of an orange. However we commonly call it a nut, thus in the US it is commonly called a 'Brazil nut'.

These prcular nuts taste rather earthy, and may be purchased at your local supermarket, grocery store, health food store or whole foods market.

Fat Burning Benefits of Brazil Nuts

Even though they do have fat (healthy, unsaturated fat), they also contain a great deal of protein, manganese, thiamin, selenium and phytosterols, plus they are also a reliable food source for calcium, zinc, Vitamin E and fiber.

Selenium is helpful in neutralizing the harmful effects of traveling free radicals prior to their attempt at harming cells in the body. Selenium is helpful in neutralizing the harmful effects that wandering free radicals cause to the body. Selenium prevents any negative effects from occurring. These nuts contain selenium, yielding a complete protein. The reason for this is because these nuts, contrary to many other plant proteins, have every amino acid that is required to maintain good health.

Vitamin E, similarly to selenium, is a potent antioxidant that helps to protect the body from heart disease and cancer. It aids circulation and healing and even alleviates PMS symptoms.

Since these nuts supply zinc, they help us digest and also facilitate metabolism of food.

Calcium is essential for bone and dental health and growth. Additionally, it maintains stable blood pressure levels, helps you to lose weight and fights against the potential to contract cancer of the colon.

Brazil nuts provide phytosterols that aid in lowering cholesterol levels. They can minimize the rates of some cancers and improve immune function too.

Magnesium aids in metabolism of carbs, fat and protein for use by the body. It supplies energy and fosters development of teeth, bones, heart, and nervous system.

The B vitamin, Thiamin, is needed by the body when it needs to utilize carbohydrates as an energy source. In addition, it facilitates metabolism of amino acid compounds. Thiamine is important for all of the cells that make up our systems. It is helpful in producing hydrochloric acid, a substance that aids digestion; it also increases the circulation and is helpful in promoting the normal functioning of the brain. Thiamin is helpful in slowing down the process of getting older, and also helps the intestines, stomach and heart to have good muscle tones. It can even ward off blocked arteries and glucose intolerance.

As a source of fiber, these large nuts fill you up without filling you out. They help the digestive process and make bowel movements bulkier to get rid of toxins quicker.

Proper Preparation of Brazil nuts

The nuts are gathered by hand in the Amazon Basin, typically during January when the weather is good. You can typically buy them throughout the year in American stores, in the shell or shelled.

You can keep these nuts anywhere that's cool and dry as long as they are in their shells. Out of the shell, Brazil nuts have to be stored in the fridge in an airtight container. You can store them for months in this fashion.

The shell of a Brazil nut will come off easier if they are pre-soaked and then boiled.

Brazil nuts are fine for snacking just as they are. A delicious snack idea is dipping nuts in just a bit of rich dark chocolate. Chocolate does contribute fat to that already contained within the nuts. It's okay to indulge every now and then, however. Dark chocolate is packed with beneficial antioxidant ingredients.

Additionally, you can slice, chop, dice or grind the nuts when you want to use them in cookie, cake, bread, stuffing and dessert recipes. The flavor of Brazil nuts reminds us of macadamia nuts, thus they are a good alternative in recipes and dishes.

Try making a Brazil nut pie crust for your cheesecake, Brazil nuts and walnuts tossed in with your salad, Brazil nuts over spinach, or pork-chops with a crust made from Brazil nuts.

Proper Amount To Eat

A normal portion is around 6-8 Brazil nuts, which is the respective equivalency of 30 grams. There are approximately 186 calories in a one oz. portion. Limit consumption to a few times weekly, substituting them for other sources of fat.

This is just one example of the many extraordinary Fat Burning Foods available - foods that will burn fat naturally, allowing you to lose weight whilst you eat! Discover over 100 fat burning foods at 107FatBurningFoods.com and start losing weight effortlessly.

