2011年5月31日 星期二

Curb Cravings With Pine Nuts - Natural Appetite Suppressant

If you have not tried the simple pine nut, you will be amazed at the healthy punch this tiny nut packs. Its key benefit is that it suppresses hunger and tells your brain "Thanks, but I am already full." Additionally, it slows the emptying of your stomach, again helping you feel full. These benefits are due to a powerful hormone called cholecystokinin (or CCK.)

Siberians used a handful of nuts to sustain them on long hunting trips and as a way to maintain their energy. Portable, tasty and offering a long-lasting fill, they were the perfect trail mix. Still today, in Siberia, a handful of pine nuts precede a meal, setting the stage for a moderate meal.

Pine nuts are delicious with a mild, nutty flavor and contain certain fatty acids that can help suppress hunger. One ounce of pine nuts (approximately ¼ cup) has 190 calories, 19 g of fat and only 4 g of carbohydrates. They contain more protein that any other nut or seed as well as a variety of vitamins and nutrients such as: vitamins E, B1, B2, and B3, beta-carotene (pro-vitamin A) as well as essential amino acids, copper, iodine, iron, magnesium and zinc.

Pinolenic acid is a polyunsaturated fat that encourages two hormones (including CCK) that suppress hunger. It has been studied extensively and is included in many appetite suppressing diet formulas. It signals to your brain that you aren't hungry any more. These same hormones are included in both pine nuts and pine nut oil.

The secret of CCK

The secret to pine nuts effectiveness is cholecystokinin (or CCK) which is a peptide hormone gene expressed through the digestive tract, set off by food intake and released into the blood stream. The hormone sends a signal to the brain which indicates satiation. It is also believed that partial digested protein aids in the release of CCK. Pine nuts are exceptionally high in protein at 31%.

CCK has been studied at length since its discovery almost 30 years ago. Researchers have discovered that CCK is produced in the duodenum (the beginning part of your small intestine) after eating and sends the "full" feeling to the brain. It releases digestive enzymes from the pancreas, contracts the gall bladder and slows the rate of stomach emptying, helping you feel full. In fact, cholecystokinin means "to move the gall bladder."

Other health benefits

Additional health benefits of pine nuts include:

Digestive aid

Satiety promoter

Antioxidant protection

Treats gastrointestinal problems

Promotes cardiovascular health

Addresses inflammatory and autoimmune disorders

Incorporating Pine Nuts into your diet

It is easy to add these versatile nuts to your diet in a variety of ways.

They can be tossed into a salad as a nutty addition. Or add them in your next pasta dish or soup for a mild crunch. Pine nuts are an essential ingredient to pesto or can be made into a simple, delicious dip perfect for pita chips or vegetable sticks. Or try them, raw by the handfuls, just like the Siberians.

Are cravings for sugar, salt, junk food, sodas, and coffee running your life? For over 20 years, Diana Walker, the Cravings Coach, has assisted people like you in using natural, safe options for creating vibrant health. Receive Diana?s free Cravings Coach TIPS at http://www.thecravingscoach.com/blog

2011年5月30日 星期一

Health Benefits of Pine Nuts

Pine nuts are the seeds covered in the hard shells of the pine cones. Most of these nuts are harvested by hand, which is why they are more expensive to buy.

But don't let the price of them stop you from buying them, because studies have shown that they are very beneficial to the body.

And please don't allow the bitter taste to deter you either, as it is only something to get accustomed to. You don't have to eat just pine nuts; you can add them in with other nuts, salads, soups, pestos, and baked goods. You can also toast them lightly to bring out the flavor.

Some of the health benefits of pine nuts are a healthy heart, liver, eyes, and a healthy digestive system. They help to lower cholesterol, relax the blood vessels, and overall help to fight heart disease.

They can also be used to help treat gastrointestinal problems, arthritis and other inflammatory diseases. They help to strengthen the immune system and help to fight and treat autoimmune disorders.

Pine nuts are also very high in antioxidants which get rid of free radicals in the body. They are great for the skin, and help to reduce wrinkles and the signs of aging.

Those in the weight loss business have discovered that they are very beneficial to helping one to loose weight. Not only do they provide the body with healthy essential oils, but they also increase energy levels, and suppress the appetite. The oil is so effective in weight loss, that it is extracted from the nuts and sold as a dietary supplement for those in the weight loss programs.

For more information on how to prevent disease and live a long and healthy life, visit LivingFood101 More on Pine Nuts

Pine Nut Oil Used for Centuries as Appetite Suppressant - Recent Studies Show Promise

Due to obesity the epidemic, pine nut oil has become a popular subject by nutritionists and researchers as a natural way to promote satiety and curb overeating. A compound in pine tree nuts may act as an appetite suppressant says latest studies.

A study was done on the effect of pine nut oil on 18 over weight women. Thirty minutes after taking pine nut oil in capsules the women reported a desire to eat less food during their next meal by up to 36 percent.

The active ingredient in pine nut oil that curbs hunger is the fatty acid pineolenic acid. Pineolenic acid causes the release of hormones associated with appetite suppression and satiety, cholecystokinin(CCK) and glucagonlike peptide (GLP-1).

Pine nuts have been part of our diets since before ancient Greek and Roman times. Russian and Chinese cultures have used pine nut oil for centuries for an effective appetite suppressant, metabolism booster, digestive aid and peptic ulcer healer just to name a few.

Pine nut oil is rich in vitamins E, B1 B2 and B3, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, essential amino acids, magnesium, zinc, iron, copper, and iodine.

Companies are now combining the all time popular appetite suppressant, hoodia gordonii, with pine nut oil for an even stronger effect of controlling appetite than taking the two separately. This combination has great promise for those who need something stronger than hoodia gordonii alone. Neither hoodia gordonii or pine nut oil seem to have any known side effects taken separately or together.

Even though pine nut oil is a bit pricey, its addition to any appetite suppressant will be worth the extra money spent. Pine nut oil does not cause rapid heart beat as do some other weight loss products.

More information: http://prohealthnut.com/id117.html

Fred Fishburne and his wife are owners of a successful health store in McDonough, Ga., since 1994, specializing in combining supplementation and proper nutrition for optimal health benefits. Visit at: http://prohealthnut.com to read more health articles.

2011年5月29日 星期日

Pine Nut Oil - A Potent Appetite Suppressant

The use of pine nuts and pine nut oil dates back to Greek and Roman times. They have a long history of modulating appetite and boosting energy. The oil contains a unique fatty acid called pinolenic acid, a cousin of the essential fatty acid known as GLA. Pine nut oil is the only known food with a high amount of this unique fatty acid.

A recent study has now shown how pine nut oil works. The pinolenic acid naturally raises several signals to the brain that help a person not feel hungry (cholecystokinin-CCK and glucagon-like peptide 1 -GLP1). These signals were elevated by 60% for four hours by taking 3 grams of the oil .

Helping individuals feel more satisfied on less food is critical to maintaining a healthy weight management plan and training oneself to eat smaller portions. It is also great news for the holidays, a key time of the year individuals tend to pack on the pounds with out-of-control indulgence. Pine Nut Oil will keep you on track and energized.

Pine Nut Oil can be taken before any meal to help balance appetite signals and the full feeling. It can also just be used ½ hour or more prior to the largest meal of the day. It is interesting that Pine Nut Oil also gives a boost of energy, making it a great afternoon supplement to help get through the day and not arrive home for dinner ravenously hungry (and likely to overeat). Visit wellness resources for more information on weight management products.

Weight Management Supplements

Korean Pine Nut Oil

Byron J. Richards, Founder/Director of Wellness Resources, is a Board-Certified Clinical Nutritionist and has been a charter professional member of the International and American Associations of Clinical Nutritionists (IAACN) since 1991. He is the author of Mastering Leptin, The Leptin Diet, and Fight For Your Health: Exposing the FDA's Betrayal of America. He has been a featured expert consultant on Fox News Live, CBS Infinity television, and The Wall Street Journal.

2011年5月28日 星期六

Discover The Wonders Of The Tiny Nut - Pine Nuts

True to the adage 'good things come in small packs', these tiny pine nuts are packed to the brim with tons of energy. The Siberians would think that you are nutty, if you tell them that you have not had a taste of pine nuts so far!

Did you know that pine nuts can curb your hunger pangs by giving you a feeling of fullness? Besides that, pine nuts also slacken your bowel movement, which again make you feel chock-full. All these special features of pine nuts are due to the presence of a potent hormone, (CCK) or cholecystokinin.

For ages, Siberians are thought to have used these nuts to pull them through their arduous hunting trips and to keep up their energy levels. Handy, yummy and filling- these nuts make great trail mix. Even till today, Siberians munch a few pine nuts before a meal, to make sure that they do not over-eat.

These tasty nuts have a light, nutty tang and contain some fatty acids that are capable of holding back hunger. It is estimated that one cup of pine nut (just about one ounce) provides you 190 calories and 19g of fat, while its carbohydrate content is only 4g.

No other nut or seed has more protein than Pine nuts. In addition, pine nuts are store houses of many vitamins including vitamins E, B3, B1 and B2 apart from essential amino acids, beta-carotene, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron and iodine, which are essential for healthy living.

Pine nuts and pine nut oil contain the polyunsaturated fat of Pinolenic acid, which stimulates the hunger suppressing hormones such as CCK. Pinolenic acid is an essential ingredient of many diet formulas for repressing hunger as they act by sending signals to your brain that your stomach is already full.

Now all you have to do is just to toss a few nuts into your mouth to chuck out those extra pounds! Does that sound like music to your ears?

How do pine nuts act to suppress hunger? The peptide hormone of cholecystokinin is produced during food ingestion to be released into the blood. It is this hormone that makes you feel satiated. It is thought that the fractional digestion of proteins also results in the production of CCK. Remember that pine nuts are extremely rich in protein.

Extensive researches have been made on CCK ever since it was discovered 30 years ago. The studies have established that CCK production takes place at the duodenum, when your stomach is full.

This in turn conveys this message to the brain. CCK also brings about the discharge of pancreatic digestive enzymes, contraction of gall bladder and reduction of the rate of bowel movements, which also gives you a feeling of fullness.

Moreover, Pine nuts help in improving digestion and enhancing cardiovascular health. It increases satiety and is also helpful in managing gastrointestinal problems, autoimmune disorders and inflammation. You can make a myriad of preparations by including these resourceful nuts in your diet.

Whip it up into a sumptuous salad or throw in a few nuts into your pasta or soup for that crunchy and crispy feel! Pine nuts could be made into yummy dips that are ideal for pita chips or vegetable sticks. Or follow the time tested Siberian way - pop a few raw nuts right into your mouth and see the magic that works on you!

Mum-to-be discovers tips and tricks for including nuts into your diet to make it healthier and more delicious! Get Nuts About Health and change your lifestyle forever, absolutely free! Periodically, she also posts nutty recipes and serving ideas; all these available to you for no cost, at her website!

Macadamia Nuts - Why Macadamia Nuts Are Such a Healthy Snack

If you enjoy gourmet nuts, you'll be happy to know that most nuts in their natural state are very healthy treats. Take the macadamia nut for example. This tropical nut not only tastes great but is good for you as well. Here's why.

Health Benefits Of Macadamia Nuts

In general, most nuts are quite healthy. They are an excellent source of protein and fiber, making them an excellent choice after a workout or physical activity. They are low in carbohydrates, and although their rich taste might lead you to believe they contain sugars, they do not.

Macadamia nuts take things a step further in terms of being a healthy snack. First, they contain no cholesterol, one key reason why they are known as being especially heart healthy. Another benefit is they are an excellent source of mono unsaturated fat (the good fat).

Second, they are a rich source of essential oils, plus potassium and calcium. They are a tree nut, and studies have shown that most tree nuts are excellent sources of vitamins and minerals.

Using Macadamia Nuts

Of course you can enjoy macadamia nuts straight from the package as a snack, but their uses reach well beyond snacking.

We like to use these nuts crushed as a coating for baked chicken and fish. Preparation is quick and easy. Just crush enough nuts to coat the fish, as an example. We like to give the filets a quick dip in milk so the crushed nuts stay attached.

You can bake the fish or cook it stove top in canola oil. The macadamia crusting perfectly complements tilapia, mahi mahi, or almost any other variety of fish. These nuts are also great for baking. You may have seen them in cookies and fudge. They add an element of texture to any baked goods.

Another way to use macadamia nuts is in a tropical green salad. Just as you might use slivered almonds on a salad, you can substitute macadamias. Use them whole, or cut in half with a sharp knife. We also use them in stir frys, since they add a nice tropical touch. They are ideal when paired with pineapple, particularly in Polynesian or Asian style dishes.

Most packaged macadamias are lightly roasted and don't need excess salt to taste good. And in addition to using them as a snack or in cooking, they make a thoughtful gift for anyone on your list.

Macadamia nuts are one of many gourmet nuts that are healthy, nutritious snacks. Would you like to learn more about the health benefits of nuts? Visit us today at: http://www.gourmetnutgifts.com.

2011年5月27日 星期五

The Health Benefits of Hawaiian Macadamia Nuts

Do you love nuts but you stay clear of them because of the higher fat content? What many people fail to realize is that the fat in nuts is the naturally occurring fat in their raw form. In other words, 10 grams of fat coming from Hawaiian macadamia nuts and 10 grams of fat coming from a slice of cake are not equal fat equivalents by any means. The fat in the nuts is healthy fat, whereas the fat coming from the cake is simple sugars, and kind expand your waistline. In fact, there is little health benefits to the slice of cake, other than satisfying a sweet tooth, but macadamia nuts have many health benefits.

Lowers Cholesterol Naturally

Macadamia nuts come from trees in Australia or Hawaii with most of the varieties you find in America coming directly from Hawaii. The Hawaiian macadamia are packed full of protein and full of vitamins, minerals, and 80 percent monosaturated fat. Remember, this is the good kind of fat, the one that doesn't raise your cholesterol. In fact, eating them regularly can actually lower your bad LDL cholesterol and raise the good HDL cholesterol, how's that for a high-fat snack? Moreover, the nuts are completely cholesterol-free, which means you do not have to worry about eating them and fearing they will increase your cholesterol because they do the opposite.

Omega Fatty Acids

You have no doubt heard the benefits of omega fatty acids, in particular omega 3's because they are healthy for the heart, helps lower inflammation, and can reduce the risk of stroke. When you consume Hawaiian macadamia nuts, you are helping to keep your heart healthier because they are jammed packed with omega 3's. Moreover, they have a special omega 7, which is palmitoleic acid, which works to lower cholesterol and most foods do not have this special omega. Additionally, it can help to speed up your metabolism, which of course means possible weight management benefits.

Cooking with Macadamia Nuts

Most people have seen macadamia in cookies and other sweet treats, but you can use it to make healthy snakes that are tasty, filled with protein, and little sugar. Moreover, many people have found that mashing up raw Hawaiian macadamia nuts and coating skinned chicken breasts and baking it is a yummy and very nutritious high-protein meal.

Final Thoughts

Health conscious people have known for years that Hawaiian macadamia nuts are not only delicious right out of the bag, but they are also very healthy. In addition, consuming them regularly can help to clear your complexion and skin, so you can look good inside and out! Rather than having that slice of cake, grab a handful of macadamia nuts and begin to feel the many benefits this super food has to offer you and your family.

Nicole Roberts
HawaiianKonaCoffeeShop.com is one-stop shopping, superior quality Hawaiian macadamia nuts at incredible prices

Chocolate Macadamia Nuts - Delicious and Nutricious

Macadamia nuts were a very important food for the aborigines of Australia for a great many years before they were actually "discovered." Chocolate macadamia nuts are a more recent discovery and a fine one at that. Lets explore the wonderful macadamia nut, unless of course, you are a dog and we will get into that later, and discuss some of its history.

A gentleman by the name of Allan Cunningham is credited with being the very first European to explore of discover this specific nut. The year was eighteen hundred and twenty eight. He was a well-known man that would travel to South Wales and was a known explorer and botanist. He added macadamia nuts to his over one hundred documented plants that he is credited to have discovered while on his journeys. However, it was Ferdinand von Mueller that named this wonderful nut all most thirty years later in eighteen hundred and twenty eight, thus, Macadamia.

One special aspect about this exceptional nut is especially important; these are basically poison to dogs. It will not kill them however, they will be unable to stand for a while and this will last for forty-eight hours.

On the other hand, the shell is exceptionally hard and Macaws are one of the very few or limited number of birds that are actually able to get in the shell and therefore, get to the nut.

These nuts are extremely nutritious and contain a variety of nutrients that are beneficial. Monounsaturated fats are the most important nutrient and make this specific nut number one of any nuts.

Of course this does not mean that a person should go right out and eat many various confection covered macadamia creations. Plain non-salted types would probably be the most nutritious and any additions to this that includes sugars would usually detract from this aspect. Of course, turning down anything covered with chocolate is quite tough to do too.

Skincare is another benefit that this specific nut provides. It is comparable to mink oil and is used extensively in the cosmetic industry due to the nuts oxidative stability properties that include over twenty percent of palmitoleic acid. This is one of the very well known Omega-seven skin nutrients.

Regardless of all these exceptional benefits, these nuts are especially tasty in their selves and anything added to them that in itself is tasty too will certainly add to the overall taste.

Macadamia nuts are especially good alone let alone adding chocolate to them. Then they are simply wonderful. These can be found at many stores from grocery to department and beyond. There are numerous specialty places that sell these too. Although, as far as the absolute best chocolate macadamia nuts are concerned, that is probably best if left to the taster. Find out more tips about macadamia nuts at http://macadamia-nuts.researchguidetips.com??

2011年5月26日 星期四

Macadamia Nut Oil

Nuts are very good for you and they can be used not only as part of your diet and cooking but also your skin care. You will find that some nuts such as the macadamia nut have fantastic qualities and Macadamia nut oil is fantastic for your skin as well as cooking. Macadamia oil has a vast amount of vitamins and nutrients and has some great anti oxidant qualities. Although using this oil is great for your health, you have to be aware that if you are allergic to nuts then you cannot use it.

Macadamia nuts originate from Australia and Madagascar and have been exported around the world for many years. You can now find this fantastic tree in many other areas of the world and this is great for producing the macadamia nut oil. The macadamia oil is extracted directly from the nut meat and is perfect for frying and in dressings. The type of oil is not affected by where the trees are grown so they can be grown happily around the world.

You can use the macadamia nut oil for many different skin care purposes and it is excellent for massages. It is a refined oil that has a very non greasy feel to it and added with the nutty aroma it is very appealing to use for skin care regimes. You can use it for your face, body, homemade lotions and even as soap. Macadamia oil is so gentle that you can even use it for your baby and children and it is excellent for moisturizing your skin.

Macadamia oil is perfect for sunburn, acne and oily skin and if you include it in your daily skin care routine then you will see the difference very quickly. Macadamia nut oil includes vitamin E which is perfect for healing small wounds. Pregnant women find macadamia oil to be excellent for preventing stretch marks and can help with fine lines on your face and neck. The level of anti oxidants in the macadamia oil allows it to have a very long shelf life; in the right conditions it can last for up to two years.

There are many vitamins and nutrients in macadamia nut oil which means that it has excellent health properties. It is also high in protein which your body needs. The fat which is in the oil is the good type of fat and this is perfect to help balance your body. Macadamia oil is also high in omega 3 which is great to lower the risk of health problems including heart disease, migraines and even cancer. No matter how you use macadamia nut oil you will find that it is great for both your body and beauty regimen. It is very affordable and easy to find which makes it ideal for everyday use and you can include it in your daily diet and skin care routine easily.

Nicole Roberts
HawaiianKonaCoffeeShop.com is one-stop shopping, superior quality macadamia nut oil at incredible prices

2011年5月25日 星期三

Raw Macadamia Nuts - Unique Quality

Raw macadamia nuts have quite a unique quality. Their shells are extremely hard and man is one of the limited animals that are able to at least open the shell to get to them. Coincidentally, Macaws are one of the few others. Another unique quality is that dogs or the canine genre will get quite ill and this illness will last for up to two days. The dog will not be able to stand and will in essence be poisoned. However, it will not kill them in very small quantities. Large quantities however, may increase this sickness and may even cause death so keep these away from the family pet, especially the dogs. Otherwise, the macadamia nut has and does offer many wonderful benefits.

These nuts are used for both a foodstuff, where they are covered with many sugar-based confections as well as and oil, and as a cream for the cosmetic industry. Lets explore this and discuss these aspects in depth.

The cosmetics industry is quite familiar with a product known as mink oil. And, this mink oil can be quite expensive. Macadamia nut oil produces the same qualities as mink oil does and even has directly been compared to one another. It is this oil that is highly coveted and added to various cosmetic based creams to tremendous success. Why is this? The most important Omega -seven additives is a practically perfect alternative to the mink oil considering that the oxidative stability in the macadamia is very high and many times be above twenty percent in it.

Macadamia nuts are better known as a food item and can be found in various states from raw to dried and even flavored as well as chocolate covered versions.

This nut was first documented in eighteen twenty-eight by Allan Cunningham. But, it would be named nearly thirty years later in eighteen fifty seven when Ferdinand von Mueller would call them "Macadamia." Of course, they were not entirely sure that it was okay to eat until a boy was seen eating one and suffered no ill effects.

These trees grow in Australia as well as Hawaii and are a large export with Australia boasting the export of over one hundred thousand tons a year. Hawaii also boasts this very popular export too.

One of the main macadamia orchards is owned by the Hershey Company and uses many in their own specialty confections. These trees were planted in nineteen forty six and considering that it takes ten years before the tree will mature and it will begin to produce nuts, it was not until nineteen fifty six when this company could begin using them.

Regardless, once a macadamia tree produces a nut, it will continue to produce for over one hundred years. Regardless, it all begins with raw macadamia nuts. Find out more tips about raw macadamia nuts at http://macadamia-nuts.researchguidetips.com

Healthy Foods: Macadamia Nuts

Macadamia nuts are very sweet nuts that give healthy treats. It is a tropical nut that is best eaten raw so as to maintain their nutrients that are required by the body but it can also be a popular ingredient in many delicious dishes. Macadamia nuts are one of the healthy snacks we can always have around; and this is because of the many nutrients it contains.

Many people used to steer away from macadamias primarily because there is the false impression that, as nuts, they contain very high levels of cholesterol and fat. It is a good thing, though, that more people now know that macadamia nuts may contain high fat levels but these fats are actually monounsaturated fat and can be healthy for your bodies. If macadamia are added to daily diet in moderation, then they can also actually promote weight loss. Also, macadamia nuts are actually cholesterol-free and can also be a possible agent in reducing the bad levels of cholesterol in the body while increasing good cholesterol levels.

Now, these are just some examples of how macadamia nuts can be good for the body. If you are going to set aside its value based on nutrient content, you can easily focus on how delicious the nut is. It can be eaten as is and can be one good healthy snack that is great to have in the house and even in your lunch bag. Instead of gorging on chips, then macadamias should take the place of unhealthy snacks as they are not only tasty but will also do a lot for your health.

Some of the other health benefits given by eating macadamia nuts are as follows:

Macadamias are known to have good anti-oxidant properties. This is because the nuts contain selenium, a natural anti-oxidant. As we know, anti-oxidants are not only good for the skin but can also be considered as cancer-fighting elements. Macadamia nuts are also great sources of fiber. As we know, fiber can help our digestive system much. If you have a difficult time moving bowels or if you are constipated then eating macadamias can help you have easier time in the toilet.

As with most nuts, macadamia nuts are rich in iron as well as in calcium. The calcium content helps strengthen bones and teeth. They are also high in iron content; thus, help the formation of red blood cells while helping enzymes in the body function well. These delicious nuts also contain magnesium which is seen as necessary to the proper growth of bones and helps our bodies to release the right amounts of energy. They are also rich in potassium which is useful for brain function and also in regulating the many body fluids. Lastly, macadamia nuts are cholesterol-free - great news for people who want to eat nuts but are afraid of increasing their cholesterol intake.

Some of the popular dishes that use macadamia nuts include choco macadamia pie, chicken with crushed macadamia, macadamia shortbread, macadamia-coconut cookies and macadamia choco biscotti. With these examples, it just proves that these healthy nuts are not just great as ingredients to desserts but also to meat dishes.

Joleen has been an online writer for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, travel, and product reviews, you can also check out her latest website on Belkin F5X004 Auto Antenna which reviews and lists the best Belkin Auto Antenna F5X004.