2011年8月6日 星期六

Sometimes You Feel Like A Nut

Nuts are some of the most nutritious snacks available and are readily eatable. No peeling, cooking, or preparing ~ just pop a handful of wonderful nutrition into your mouth and enjoy!

Here is a few delicious nuts, their facts

Almonds - these are great for the heart. They have been shown to lower both total and LDL (bad) cholesterol. They are also good brain food. Almonds help regulate blood pressure, reduce weight and boost energy. 1 raw almond = 7 calories

Peanuts - are a legume that contains the same healthy oil that almonds have, so they work on reducing heart disease. 1 oz raw peanuts = 161 calories

Walnuts - one of the best nuts on the earth! Walnuts have shown to increase brain, cognitive, & mental function, they provide cardiovascular protection, anti-inflammatory benefits in asthma, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory diseases like eczema and psoriasis. They are pack full of an antioxidant known as ellgic acid, which has shown to contain 16 disease fighting polyphenols. A polyphenol is a chemical that may protect against some common health problems and possible certain effects of aging. Walnuts are also a great source of omega 3. English walnuts 1 oz=183 calories

Brazil Nuts - Also high in heart-healthy nutrients and minerals like copper, niacin, vitamin E, fiber, magnesium, and selenium, studies on Brazil nuts show that this protein-packed snack may aid in the prevention of breast cancer. 1 oz = 186 calories

Pecans - these are another nut that is known to lower cholesterol. Pecans also are a great source of twenty essential vitamins and minerals. 1 oz (20 halves raw pecans)=196 calories

Cedar Nuts (pine nuts) - Siberian Cedar nuts, originally from Russia have 70% of the essential amino acids that the body needs. They also contain high amounts of Vitamin A, B, D, and E. This nut also contains a special form of vitamin P, a vital fatty acid similar to fish oil, which is known to reduce LDL and helps keep the arteries free of inflammation and plaque. 1 oz (10 raw cedar nuts) = 11 calories

Raw nuts make a healthy snack that is low in calories and are a great addition to your health. Being a little nutty is good for you!

My name is Susan and I'm a Life/Health coach. You can get my free newsletter at http://www.maximizeyourlifecoach.com

Nutrition From Nuts and Seeds

Some nuts and seeds have high amounts of nutrients that are needed by your body and can help ward off certain diseases. They are concentrated nutrition that should be part of your regular diet.

Calcium and magnesium, which are needed to prevent osteoporosis and maintain structure of bones, can be found in almonds, pistachios, hazel nuts and pumpkin seeds. Sesame seeds and pumpkin seeds both have zinc that the prostate gland uses to produce fertile sperm.

If your doctor has indicated you need more iron try sunflower seeds and pistachios. They both have high amounts of it. Potassium is a mineral that helps regulate blood pressure and can be found in chestnuts and sunflower seeds.

Pregnant women who need folic acid can try pistachios which have a high concentration of this. Menopausal women should know that almonds, Brazil nuts and hazelnuts are high in vitamin E which can help ease their symptoms. Brazil nuts also have selenium which is an antioxidant that protects against heart disease.

Some studies have shown that certain nuts and seeds can help prevent disease. Walnuts, which have ellagic acid, and almonds, which have oleic acid, are said to have anti-cancer properties. Flax seeds are another food that may have many benefits. They are supposed to have anti-tumor properties linked to lower incident of breast and colon cancer. Flax seeds also contain phytoestrogans which are known to help balance hormone levels.

Check with your doctor and add appropriate amounts of nuts and seeds to your diet. They are not only a great, delicious snack food, they can be added to many recipes for a unique taste.

Ann is a home based business entrepreneur who researches and reviews many products and writes about her personal interests. Visit her newest site Grind and Brew Coffee Makers for great information on Cuisinart Grind and Brew coffee makers.

2011年8月5日 星期五

Go (Brazil) Nuts For Selenium

New research from New Zealand finds that eating two Brazil nuts a day can raise your body's stores of selenium by about 65 per cent. The research found that eating these tasty treats was more beneficial than taking selenomethionine, the most common chemical form of this antioxidant element you can find in supplements and fortified foods.

Why should you care whether you're getting your selenium? As a key component of the human body's antioxidant mechanisms, it plays a role in prevention and supporting recovery from allergies, asthma, cardiovascular disease, cataracts, cervical dysplasia, epilepsy, glaucoma, heavy metal toxicity, HIV, hypothyroidism, degenerative diseases of the liver, chronic pain, pancreatic cancer, and prostate diseases. This trace mineral is not a cure for any of these conditions, but it helps the body work better through all of them.

Selenium is found in seeds, and the most commonly eaten "seed" in Europe, North America, Australia, and New Zealand is wheat. Soils in North America are particularly rich in the element, so the wheat grown in North America is rich in it, too (although not as rich as in the nut). When the UK banned imports of wheat from the US a few years ago, selenium intake in the British diet began to drop, from an average of 60 micrograms a day to an average of 34 micrograms a day.

Two Brazil nuts only provide (on average) 53 micrograms of selenium. The 53 micrograms in them, however, is more completely absorbed than 100 micrograms supplement. Over the twelve weeks of the study, the New Zealand scientists found that the all-important antioxidant glutathione had become 8.4 per cent more abundant in the bloodstreams of test participants eating the nuts, 3.4 per cent more abundant in those taking a supplement, and declined slightly in participants taking a placebo.

So, if you're not allergic, turn to Brazil nuts for your selenium. It's even better than nutritional supplementation.

Click here for an in-depth review article (no product links in the article) on how selenium supports health. Robert Rister is the author or co-author of nine books on natural health and the writer for Savvy Natural Healer, a daily news blog on new healing methods and new healing tools.

2011年8月4日 星期四

Foods High in Cholesterol - Nuts - Good Or Bad For Your Cholesterol Levels?

Foods High in Cholesterol - Nuts and seeds like Almonds and Pistachios are now proven to help reduce the bad or LDL cholesterol levels in our blood. High cholesterol levels are a factor in the onset of strokes and heart attacks. New studies show that high levels of selenium in the blood bring on an increase in cholesterol levels. One of the best sources of selenium in our diet is brazil nuts.

These nuts have traditionally been recommended as a great way to build up your immune system and have even been suggested as a way of protecting the body from the onset of some cancers. Selenium is also found in fish, meat and some types of grains. Prostate cancer is said to be one of the cancers that selenium can protect you against and some research has added corectal, lung, breast and colon cancers to this list. It is also found to protect your skin from ageing due to exposure to the sun's rays.

Studies at Warwick University in the United Kingdom have shown that eating large quantities of Brazil nuts and selenium-rich foods are linked to a 10 per cent rise in cholesterol. They found that those people with blood selenium concentrations higher than 1.20micromoles per litre had their levels of total cholesterol raised by an average of 8 per cent. More alarmingly, levels of the 'bad' LDL type of cholesterol that is linked to circulation problems and heart disease were increased by 10 per cent. So although brazil nuts are not one of the foods high in cholesterol, they raise cholesterol levels by their selenium content.

Brazil nuts are high in monosaturated fats and exceptionally rich in selenium and although average intake of brazil nuts is probably only around half the current recommended level there is a widespread use of selenium supplements. These supplements can substantially increase your blood levels to way above the accepted limits. Weight for weight, brazils contain as much protein as eggs, making them ideal for vegetarians and vegans. They contain all the B vitamins except B12, as well as potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, zinc, copper and contain an essential fatty acid called linoleic acid that has been shown to help balance hormone levels and protect your skin from damage.

Researches say that it is a little previous to suggest that taking selenium supplements is harmful for heart health but they say to avoid the Foods High in Cholesterol.

For more information on the Cholesterol in food and how they affect your Heart and Blood Circulation - go to Foods High In Cholesterol and Diets For High Cholesterol - Get Your FREE Tips on Keeping Your Heart Healthy!

You Might Be a Car Nut if

If you met me on the street you would think I'm a pretty normal guy, and in most aspects that would be true. However, I am a sick person; I suffer from an incurable disease: I am a car nut.

There are a number of ways to determine if you are afflicted by this disease. Below I have listed some ways to tell if you are a car nut. I have highlighted the ones I am guilty of.

You might be a car nut if:

1. You have owned more cars than years you have been driving. Example: I have been driving for 9 years and have owned 15 cars.

2. You own 3-4 cars at a time, and 2 of them don't run.

3. You attend car events of all kinds: car shows, races, truck shows, etc. You even attend events for cars you don't even like, just because it is related to cars.

4. You own the most extensive collection of toy cars anyone has ever seen. I'm talking matchbox cars, model cars, die cast cars, etc.

5. You spend more quality time with your car than your girlfriend/wife.

6. You get into a fight with your girlfriend/wife and instead of making you sleep on the couch she takes away your detailing supplies.

7. When you buy a new house, you are only concerned with the size of the garage.

8. You attend auto shows even when you're not looking to buy a car.

9. You know the 0-60 times of all of your cars and their closest 5 competitors.

10. The engine compartment of your car is clean enough to eat off.

11. You have trained your girlfriend/wife on spotting different models of cars and what modifications they have on them.

12. On road trips, you always challenge yourself to get their faster than the last time.

13. Your garage holds more cars than your house has bedrooms.

14. You have enough spare parts to build another car.

15. You have car parts in your cubicle at work.

16. You ask your future wife if you can register at AutoZone, Napa and Advance Auto.

17. The reading material in your bathroom is all car magazines, car and racing catalogs and a few books written by famous drivers.

18. Your family brings a couch into the garage so they can spend some time with you.

19. You can't stand anyone telling you how to drive, you are the best!

20. You always want to change something on your car to make it handle better.

21. You spend more time polishing your car then you do bathing.

22. You spend more on insurance premiums than food.

23. You know the 0-60 and ¼ mile times of your lawn mower and want to improve them.

24. After you tell your girlfriend/wife where you want to go on vacation, she asks "Why is there a car show or race there?"

25. You have auto parts store on your speed dial.

26. When someone asks where you went to school you reply "Skip Barber."

27. Your email or screen name refers to your car and not you.

28. You sit in your car in a dark garage and make car noises and shift and practice your heel toe shifting.

29. You look at the purchase of tools as a long term investment.

30. You have a separate drawer for garage clothes.

This is just a small list of ways to determine if you are an addict. I have grown up a car nut, being raised by one, my father. It is like a bug and once you are bitten there is no remedy to get rid of it. You can try to pick other hobbies and jobs, but in the end it will always come down to cars. So the best thing to do is just give in, admit you have a problem, then say the hell with it and go enjoy that car!

Jason Helferich is the President/CEO of Street Style Customs in Cincinnati, Ohio. The company specializes in aftermarket performance parts for many cars and trucks.


2011年8月3日 星期三

Semi Truck Accessories Are Your Best Advertisement

The best way to add value to your semi-trailer truck is to accessorize it. While these words may seem like a sales pitch by an accessory dealer, the fact is that often the first thing noticed by a potential customer for a trucker's services is his equipment. If the truck, or the whole fleet for that matter, looks well kept and attractive, the impression of that business is positive. This is true for a tow operator, fruit and produce distributor, over-the-road hauler, even sanitation pick-up and septic tank services.

Pride in a job well done and concern for customer service is reflected in the way a big rig is maintained. This can accomplished with a simple but well thought out paint job, and can go to the extreme with elaborate lighting and chrome accessories. For example, semi truck wheels can be simply painted and decorated with lug nut covers, or they can be covered with a variety of wheel accessories like axle covers or complete stainless simulators. A more expensive choice would be aluminum wheels with stainless axle covers and lug nut covers.

Increase Safety and Looks with LED Lights

Lighting is another method of displaying pride in your ride. Besides adding to the safety factor, today's LED lights use a minimum of amperage and deliver a big wallop. A trucker can use ten times the number of lights than in past years, and yet not draw any more power from the battery. LED lights are available in a large variety of styles and colors, and can be installed in unusual places on the vehicle - in wheel wells, in the grille, on a visor and in air breathers.

Big Rig Accessories Make Long Hours Behind the Wheel Enjoyable

Other standard equipment - fenders, bumpers, tool boxes, exhaust pipes, mud flaps - can be left in stock condition, but are often seen in chrome and stainless. These all contribute to a fine public image of your truck. Interior accessories, while not necessarily visible to the public, also give a sense of pride of ownership and make the long hours spent in the cab more pleasant. For example, there are dashboard accessories, designer steering wheels and gear shift knobs. Chrome and stainless accessories are available for most semi truck models, and custom items can often be fabricated. In all, these items add a touch of class to any big rig!

Michael Chase is a freelance writer for VirgoFleet.com. Virgo Fleet specializes in semi truck accessories including the widest assortment of big rig accessories on the Internet. Virgo Fleet is the top retailer for custom chrome bumpers, cb radios, air horns and many other quality truck parts.

Choosing the Best Nerf Bars For Your Truck

Whether you own a Ford, Dodge, Chevy or GMC truck, choosing the right accessories is essential. While custom grilles, running boards, tube steps and other accessories are more than popular, nerf bars remain one of the best ways to set off your truck with rugged good looks, yet ensure that you're installing something that will actually give you some use.

What should you look for in nerf bars? What elements will tell you if you're making a purchase that will stand the test of time? As you might imagine, it is essential that you choose high quality accessories; below, you will find just a few of the areas to consider.

Weight Limit

How much weight can your nerf bars bear? Is the weight limit sufficient to make these accessories a viable option? Remember, you will be using the bars as a step into the truck, as well as to help protect the vulnerable sides of the truck from debris and obstacles. Therefore, you should ensure that the bars are capable of supporting your weight.

Bar Construction

What materials make up the actual nerf bars? Does the manufacturer use high carbon steel? Do they use aluminum? Are the bars manufactured of steel overlaid with a layer of chrome? While each of these materials is certainly an option on the market, you should consider stainless steel as the most durable choice out there.

Aluminum can be a great choice, though these are very expensive. Carbon steel can be durable, but rust can dramatically reduce the lifespan of your bars. Stainless steel, on the other hand, is both economical and durable, capable of withstanding years of use and abuse outdoors.

Mounting Hardware Considerations

While the construction material of the nerf bars themselves is very important, the material used to fabricate the mounting brackets, nuts, bolts and washers is also of high importance. Many manufacturers utilize high carbon steel, with a coating of black paint over the top. This looks great and helps to hide the mounting hardware from sight. However, it might not be the best choice for durability.

A better option is to choose nerf bars that use stainless steel mounting hardware. Why is this? Consider the fact that your hardware will be exposed to just as much punishment from the elements as your nerf bars, perhaps more. Since they will be under the truck, they will be in almost direct contact with rainwater from the road, salt, rocks and other things that cause corrosion and wear.

If you opt for a set of bars that comes with basic carbon steel mounting hardware, you can find that your brackets, nuts, bolts and washers are incredibly corroded after just two years of use. Over time (a very short time, at that), this corrosion will eat through the metal, weakening the mounting hardware and causing massive potential problems.

Stainless steel mounting hardware is not subject to these problems. In fact, after two years installed on a truck, you will find almost no corrosion or wear. This ensures that you are able to get the most out of your investment. No one wants to throw money down the drain, but buying nerf bars with inferior mounting hardware is essentially doing just that.

Ease of Installation

The installation process for your nerf bars should also be a significant consideration. Will you need help to install them? Will you need to take your truck to a mechanic's shop? Check the manufacturer specifications to find out the mounting bracket locations, tools required and more. You'll also need to consider your truck - can you get underneath it easily? Can you do the job alone, or with a friend? These are vital considerations.

G. Evans represents ChromePickup.com, a 20 year retailer of truck accessories. To learn more about nerf bars for pickups products visit their website ChromePickup.com.

2011年8月2日 星期二

Daily Forklift Truck Maintenance

Many businesses require a forklift truck for their day to day operation. A forklift truck can be a valuable piece of machinery for any business involved in, or planning to be involved in, the movement of heavy goods and materials. Forklifts are used extensively, and there are many different types of machine, each more suited to a specific job that the next. Fuel type is one such consideration in the process of selecting the correct machine for the application. Forklifts are available as diesel, gas or electric, regardless of fuel type all require daily maintenance checks to ensure the safety and smooth running of the vehicle on a day to day basis. The following article provides an overview of what these checks should include for each fuel type, and who should carry them out.

Anyone involved in the operation of a forklift truck should be qualified to do so. This is a legal requirement much like obtaining a driving licence. Furthermore qualifying to operate one type of truck, does not cover the same operator to drive another. For example a licence for a telescopic handler would not cover the same operator to drive a rough terrain forklift truck. This is important to take note of, if your business requires the use of a number of different types of machine. Ensure that any operators have taken a conversion course to cover any additional truck types they are required to drive (see earlier article for more details on forklift truck driver training). A key component of any forklift truck training course, and one of the first elements to be taught is the routine daily checks, which must be performed on the machine prior to use. This is the case for diesel, gas or electric trucks, for which the following checks should be performed:


Check battery electrolyte levels after charging battery
Check hydraulic oil level
Check all wheel nuts for tightness
Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
Visually inspect tyres for damage and inflation pressure
Top up batteries with distilled water/di-ionised

Additionally ensure that batteries are recharged after each shift, and avoid engaging in random charging.

Diesel / Gas

Check radiator water level
Check engine oil level
Check all wheel nuts for tightness
Check fuel level
Visually check water trap
Inspect hoses for leaks and damage
Examine tyres visually for damage and inflation pressure

Ensuring that the above checks are carried out not only prolong the life and ensure the safety of your forklift truck, they also reduce any costs incurred. Any neglect or misuse of a forklift will result in damage and hence unnecessary costs, therefore it is wise to make sure operators sign off on such duties on a daily basis.

In summary making certain that your machine is well maintained, and daily checks carried out, can not only prolong the life of any machine the business owns and ensure safety is preserved, but also make sure that additional costs are not incurred and the smooth running of your business is ensured.

Charlotte Mclean works for an established forklift truck hire business run by her family for many years. Follow the links to browse our selection of new and used forklifts for sale or for more information on forklift servicing

5 Must-Have Truck Parts and Modifications

Tonneau Covers

Adding a tonneau cover is a great way to personalize your truck. Not only does a tonneau cover give your truck a sleek, aerodynamic look, but it can also help improve gas mileage. Over time, this money savings can pay for the tonneau cover itself. Whether you choose a tonneau cover that is soft, hard, roll-up, tilting, or folding, you will also benefit from the added security of potential thieves not seeing personal items in the truck's bed because it's covered. Buy a tonneau cover today and git er covered!


Does your truck have some skinny, all season radials that look like they came off a station wagon? It's time to get some serious truck tires for enjoying off road trail time. Upgrading tires can significantly improve your truck's off-road capabilities. Choose the right tire for your conditions, whether it's all terrain, mud terrain, rock crawling, or Baja racing. When you go with bigger tires, make sure you don't go too big for your existing setup. Tires that are too wide will rub on truck parts such as fender walls and suspension parts, and may not allow for proper steering of your truck.


When those stock wheels that everyone else has just won't do, get a set that makes your truck stand out. You may want to buy larger wheels or wider wheels depending on the size of your desired tires. Some of the hottest wheels on the market now come in high gloss black, flat black, black and chrome, or in just pure chrome *bling*. Besides wheel diameter and width, you will need to know the number of lug nuts and lug nut spacing to ensure proper fit. Also, you may want to choose a wheel offset that is the same or similar to your stock wheel's offset. A wheel's offset is the distance between the centerline and the plane of the hub-mounting surface of the wheel. Wheels are often stamped with the offset using the Germen prefix "ET," which stands for "Einpresstiefe" or "insertion depth." An example would be "ET38" for a 38mm offset.

Lift Kit Suspensions

It's time to raise it up. Increasing ground clearance means you can get over obstacles that would have caused damage at stock height, or you'd get stuck. A 2" lift is great for accommodating larger tires, but you can go higher. How about an 8" lift kit for some serious rock crawling?


Adding an exhaust system is another great way to personalize your truck with an authoritative sound, great looks, and improved horsepower, torque, and MPGs. Look for an exhaust system built with stainless steel and minimal bends to improve airflow. The smoother your exhaust flows, the easier your truck breathes. This would be a great time to add an intake or drop-in air filter to further increase the engine's intake/exhaust flow.

By making these 5 modifications to your truck, you will transform a stock, off-the-showroom-floor truck into your unique and personalized transporter with improved off road capabilities and performance. Now, take an Internet break and go get your truck dirty!

Barth Mauler is an off-road enthusiast and part-time writer. He is an expert on performance truck parts and accessories. Barth is experienced with lift kits, wheels, tires, tonneau covers, exhausts, and other truck parts.

2011年8月1日 星期一

Truck Suspension - What You Need to Know About Custom U-Bolts

Truck suspension parts are integrations of rubber springs, shock absorbers, custom u-bolts, spring pins, spring bushing, shackles, hangers, leaf and coil springs, and more.

U-Bolts are designed for an extensive range of products inclusive of domestic, commercial buildings, industrial building applications, automobile industries, marine and fishing, and off-shore and coastal operations. Custom U-bolts that are available in the market vary in their characteristics such as shapes, sizes, materials and grades depending on its utility.

In automobiles, custom U-Bolts have many functions, they are used to hold springs to the front and rear axles of cars, heavy trucks, off-road trucks, etc. Generally speaking, U-bolts hold truck bodies to frames, rigging applications, and anything that may need clamping force between two or more pieces of material.

The U-shape helps keep the bolt firmly in place so that it will not pull away from its fittings easily, adding uncompromising security and stability. The strongest known metal - steel - is used commonly in manufacturing the U-bolts which keeps the fastening resistant toward any kind of corrosion and is also a rust-proof material. Custom U-bolts are also available in other materials like low carbon steel, plain finish, hot dipped galvanized, zinc plated, Teflon coated, hot dipped galvanized poly-coated.

What are the elements that will help you in differentiating one U-bolt from the other?

When you are looking for a custom U-bolt, all you will have to consider is the size and shape:

o Size: The thread size of your U-bolt, rod sizes, inside width of your U-bolt, inside length of your U-bolt.

o Shape: The shape of bending in the U-bolt also helps in identifying the difference; the top may be round, square, or semi-round.

Problems with the U-bolt could result in loss of control at its worst maximum, broken springs at the least and the exerted pressure having a direct impact on the tire.

The added advantage of the U-bolt is that it can be re-tightened according to its usage and load conditions based on its specification.

Never take your chances, always refer to the manual or go by the judgement of an expert so as to save your truck from over-tightening; over-tightening of U-bolt is equally harmful. Never use old U-bolts, when you are re-tightening old nuts, the nuts tends to grab the old worn out threads directly affecting the socket to rod position.

When you subject your vehicle to frequent bad roads and overloading, the U-bolt tends to get stretched from its original position separating it from the spring and its axle will yield to the pressure thus taking a toll on the suspension compressing it beyond its limit and affecting the traction position. The wear and tear stretches the legs of the U-bolts from its original position, although it is made of the most foolproof metal and mechanism. It is advisable to go in for U-bolts with torque value, in which case the U-bolt will stretch within its elastic limits and rebound to its initial point without any damage. Therefore, even if the axle twists from the leaf spring of the suspension, the elasticity will bounce back protecting it from any mishap.

To conclude, here are a few tips on U-bolt.

o Never ever flip a U-bolt without crossover steering or interference problems.

o Re-tighten as per the spec after a few hundred miles.

o Always check them before venturing out on a trail trip.

Gary Allen is the co-founder of All Cape Spring Co. He specializes in truck suspension and Custom U-Bolts and has an experience of over a decade. All Cape Spring Co. serves Cape Cod, Sagamore Beach and Massachusetts. For more information, visit www.allcapespringco.net